Kaminari's mistake

642 13 3


-violence          -mentions of blood          


I went to find izuku, going upstairs to the bathroom. I went inside and izuku was sat in there waiting for me.

Deku-did you get it?

I nod and hand him the phone. He smiled at me and takes it before tossing it into the full sink. He then made me get in the bath and helped me wash the blood off of me. Then he left me to soak for a moment. I got out after another 5 minutes, just trying to calm my nerves before i did or said something I would regret, and then got changed. Going back downstairs to find izuku again. I found him with kaminari, who was now cleaning the carpet in the entrance where he originally got stabbed. I felt bad watching him, i knew i should help but izuku wouldn't let me.

Bakugou-i-izuku, i'm done

Deku-alright sweetheart~ you can go do something, i need to handle your friend here

Kaminari stopped for a minute, looking up at me. His nose was bleeding and it looked like he'd been hit in the face again. He silently pleaded with me to help him but i wasn't entirely sure how.

Bakugou-izuku...w-why don't you go get a shower and i'll s-sort him out? Y-you're covered in blood...

He looks at me and smiled, walking over to stand in front of me. He then took my hand and placed the bloody knife in it before ruffling my hair.

Deku-alright kacchan, clean this for me then yeah? And if he does anything, just tell me

Bakugou-y-yes izuku

He kissed me before leaving and going up the stairs. When the door shut kaminari immediately dropped the brush, sitting back and grabbing his side breathing deeply.

Bakugou-...a-are you ok?

Kaminari-...why a-are you letting him d-do this bakugou...h-he killed kirishima

I looked away ashamed, i knew it was bad but...

Bakugou-i love him kaminari...h-he's all i've had for 4 years

Kaminari-...so he manipulated you so you couldn't leave him, bastard

Bakugou-don't talk about him like that! H-he loves me

He looked at me, blood still pouring from his nose. But for the first time since i'd met him he looked deadly serious.

Kaminari-that isn't love bakugou. It's manipulation, and he's got you bad. Y-you have to get away before it's too late...

I didn't want to listen anymore so i went into the kitchen, going over to the sink and cleaning the knife. Before i knew it izuku had finished and was behind me, but what kaminari had said really messed with my head and i was crying. Izuku turned me around and cupped my cheek, wiping the tears and looking at me worried.

Deku-what's wrong my love?

Bakugou-i-it's nothing-

Deku-please don't lie to me, you know i hate it.

I could tell he was trying to hold back from getting mad at me again, but god only knew how long that was going to last.

Bakugou-...y-you love me, d-don't you?

Deku-what? Of course i do baby, you're the only thing i care about. Why would you ask that?

Bakugou-...n-no reason

I looked away from him, noticing kaminari looking at me worried. I ignored him though, i didn't need him butting in.


Izuku let me go and turned around, walking over to him. Kaminari shuffled away clearly afraid of him. I didn't think he noticed! Shit i'm so sorry kaminari. Izuku grabs the collar of the top i gave kaminari, lifting him off of the ground and throwing him into a wall.

Bakugou-i-izuku! Stop please!

He didn't listen. He just pushed his arm up to kaminari's neck and trapped him against the wall. Izuku was clearly stronger than him, and he realised that very quickly. I saw a small yellow flash and realised he was trying to use his quirk, but what he didn't know was izuku has an extremely high pain tolerance. Like unnaturally high. He could get stabbed and barely feel a thing. So when izuku clearly noticed what kaminari was trying to do he stopped it. Kaminari yelled out in pain and his quirk cut out. I ran over to see izuku was pressing against his stab wound.

Bakugou-izuku, h-he didn't do anything! Please just stop hurting him!

He finally looked at me, i was still crying but it was for other reasons by this point. He looked at me for a few seconds before releasing kaminari, he stumbled past izuku and leaned against the other wall coughing and grabbing his side. Izuku came back to me, gently grabbing my hip with one hand and the side of my face with the other.

Deku-please don't cry, i hate seeing you cry kacchan

Bakugou-c-can you leave h-him alone? Please? H-he's going to die at this rate...


Bakugou-i'll stay with you


Bakugou-i won't go out, i'll stay here with you and i'll stop trying to leave if you don't hurt him


I glance over izuku's shoulder and stare at kaminari, hoping he gets the message and stops talking.

Deku-...alright, i'll try to stop

I look back at him and give him a small smile.

Bakugou-thank you

I lean up and kiss him, and when i pull back he's smiling happily again. I hadn't seen that face since this morning so it was a relief when it came back. He eventually just put kaminari in my basement once he'd cleaned up the majority of the blood, but everything was still stained.


This one is so short 😅. But i hoped you liked todays chapter 👍.

( ゚д゚)つ Byeヾ(•ω•')o

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