The truth

561 14 3


-gaslightling -manipulation -description of blood/gore


I jumped up in the bed breathing heavily, everything was shaking and i looked around in the dark unable to see anything. I got out and turned on the light, pushing my back against the door next to it and looking around to make sure nothing was here, but it was fine. Then i remembered i was waiting for izuku to finish whatever he was doing, i must have fallen asleep...I looked at the clock and it was 3 in the morning, we got here 4 hours ago and izuku still isn't done? I took one last look around and calmed my breathing down fully before exiting the room. I went into the living room where i'd left izuku but when i rounded the corner i froze. The room was covered in blood, the mangled corpses of the couple displayed in the middle on a sofa izuku must have moved there. I didn't recognise them at all anymore, it was impossible to tell who they were before. I covered my mouth and tried not to throw up, that was when i noticed the rest of the room. Their blood was painted on the walls spelling out my name over and over. I didn't understand, and the fear that took over my body wasn't like before, I shook and my breaths became shallow. I grabbed the fabric over my chest and held it tight as i tried to calm down. My nightmare flashed through my mind, i'd let him do this to them, to all of them. I took a shaky step back but my legs failed me. But I felt someone's arms wrap around me, catching me before i hit the ground. I froze, not realising it was izuku in my panicked state.

Deku-kacchan? What are you doing down here sweetheart? Come on, let's get you to bed

He picked me up but i couldn't say anything, it was like he was pretending i hadn't seen any of that. He carried me back into the room i'd come from and laid me in the bed, joining me and holding me in a tight hug. He fell asleep pretty fast but i couldn't manage it, images flashing through my mind from my nightmare and the scene down stairs. I stayed awake for hours and eventually izuku's grip loosened enough for me to get out. I carefully got up and checked to make sure he was still asleep, not to my surprise he was still passed out cold. After doing that to them i'd not be shocked if he slept till noon. I left the room and went back downstairs to get a drink of water. I started rethinking the last few months, joining UA and everything else that had led up to this point. The more i thought the more i realised this was all my fault. Everything that was happening...I was to blame. If i had just done as izuku had asked of me then none of this would be happening. He always knew what was best for me and he always cared about me, yet i did everything he'd ever asked me not to do. I went behind his back and lied to him, and to make things worse i didn't try to stop him enough when he started this. All I cared about was getting my izuku back, I made him like this...I felt an overwhelming amount of guilt all of a sudden, and i knew it then. That no matter how much i loved him, i'd turned him into this and i needed to stop him before he got any worse...if it wasn't too late already. The only problem was, i knew i didn't have the power to do anything. And i was terrified he'd go back to hurting me again, so for now i'd just wait for the chance i could do something. Maybe even get a message to aizawa and the pros, but surely if i do anything too drastic he'll notice me...I took a few deep breaths and calmed myself down further before i headed back upstairs to get back into my previous position in izuku's arms, and after a while i managed to fall back asleep. When i opened my eyes again it was bright outside, izuku was still hugging me but i knew he was awake.


Deku-morning baby, how did you sleep?

Bakugou-it was ok...izuku I-

Deku-we should get up and get ready to move on don't you think?


I felt him kiss my head before he let me go and got up, i followed on and we did what we usually do. And when it came time to leave i pulled out my marker once again before remembering the note i wrote, i paused for a minute thinking. I wrote a normal message like in the other 13 houses, and then i told them i wanted to help. Izuku never bothered to look back at his victims after he'd had his 'fun' so i wasn't too worried. I went and found him and he was waiting by the back door.

Deku-you ready kacchan?


Deku-what's wrong? You've been acting weird all day

I stayed silent, unsure if i actually wanted to do this right now. If i questioned him how would he react? But i couldn't just keep doing nothing, right? And if not now, then when...

Bakugou-...i-i saw what you did last night izuku, t-they-

Deku-you don't want to do this kacchan.


I was a glimpse of the other izuku, the one who beat me for a month straight for no real reason, and i got scared immediately. My want to stop him almost vanishing immediatelly. I didn't want to have to live with that again.

Deku-we're together, and nobody is stopping us anymore. I'm doing this for us, you should be grateful and yet here you are judging me for trying to keep us together.

Bakugou-...i've seen what you do for us izuku...but it doesn't look like that, w-what you do to them is-

His hand latched over my mouth and i realised i'd said too much, he looked at me with a burning fury i hadn't wished to see again. I mentally cursed myself for even saying those words.

Deku-you're making me mad katsuki, i've done my best to restrain myself but i need you to do as i say. Now, you understand that i'm doing this for us, don't you sweetheart?

I nod, keeping eye contact with him as he likes so i didn't get myself in more shit.

Deku-and we love eachother very much which is why you won't bring this up again will you?

I shake my head and his expression changes, he was calmer again, like he flipped a switch and was better now. That worried me, what if he was just trying to scare me into staying with him?...How far would he go...He took his hand off my mouth and kissed me, smiling and leaving through the door. I hesitated for a moment but followed after him without saying another word.

We reached the next house but izuku hadn't spoken to me, he was acting like he used to again, being distant and giving me untrusting looks. I ignored them for the most part but they still hurt. Inside this house there was a kid again, 2 fathers and a 9 year old girl. I realised by now that izuku wasn't picking houses at random, he knew how to get around too well. This really concerned me, what could they possible have done? Izuku used their child against the dads, i couldn't bare to watch as the little girl kicked her legs and cried trying to get izuku off, and luckily it didn't go on too long. The parents, obviously scared for the girl, easily listened to him, and the smirk on izuku's face...i couldn't let this go on any longer. After he made me tie up the parents i pushed down all of my fear and tried to talk to him.

Bakugou-i-izuku please don't hurt t-them, t-this isn't you-

He turned and glared at me. I backed off for a moment from the initial fear, but i knew he had lost it, i had to stop this. I walked over to him and tried to make him see i was being honest and sincere with my words, that way he might not think i'm trying to ruin anything for the both of us like usual.

Bakugou-i love you, i really do, but i can't watch you do this to innocent people anymore izuku. I know y-you enjoy this but t-that kid is going to be traumatised f-for the rest of her life i-if you do this-

He swung one of his arms out and hit me across the face. I fell to the floor and hit my head, blacking out.


Thanks for reading! I'm sorry if this chapter is a bit confusing or repetitive, i've literally had to re-read the past 4 chapters to remember what i'd written, which is like 12 pages of writing in a google doc 🤣😅. But i have finally finished the story and the next 3 chapters will be coming out next week! Thank you so much for the support on this book and i'm glad you're all enjoying it.

What would your guys' opinions be on a tododeku toxic/psycho relationship be? Or should i stick to todobaku/dekubaku?

( ゚д゚)つ Byeヾ(•ω•')o

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