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-Violence          -threatening          


We went out on a date, walking through the park talking like we used to. It was nice compared to what's been going on recently. I think it's allowed him to relax a bit too. We stopped at a bench and sat down for a minute.

Bakugou-god, one of those black coffees we saw a bit back sound really good right now

Deku-oh? I could go back and get you one if you'd like

Bakugou-...yeah, that sounds nice. Thanks izuku

Deku-of course

He gets up, kissing me before walking back down the trail we'd just walked up. I sat back against the bench and relaxed, feeling the breeze brush my skin. It was a warmer day, the heat still here even though we were a few weeks into Autumn, but I wasn't complaining. I always preferred the warmth. I closed my eyes and listened to my surroundings when someone called my name. I looked up and saw kirishima jogging towards me.

Bakugou-oh, hey kirishima

Kirishima-what are you doing out here all by yourself?

Bakugou-actually i'm on a date with izuku, he just went to get something

Kirishima-ah, that makes sense

We talked for a good 10 minutes before he said he had to continue his jog and we bid our farewells. A few moments later I saw izuku walking back, but he didn't look too happy.

Bakugou-hi izu-

He shoved the drink into my hands, spilling some on my wrist. I said ouch expecting it to hurt but I noticed the beverage wasn't warm at all. I quickly put it together, realising he'd seen me with kirishima and he'd been watching us, and I looked back up at him only to see that horrifying gaze once again. I drop the drink, spilling the contents on the ground, and grab his hand.

Bakugou-i-it's not what it looks like, h–he just came over to me and started talking-

Deku-about what. You seemed to really enjoy whatever it was you were discussing

Bakugou-izuku i told you w-we're just friends, and he brought up something that happened in class a few days ago that's it. I swear to you-

Deku-so you send me away so you can talk to him, is that it?

Bakugou-n-no! I just told you-

He ripped his hand from mine and grabbed onto my upper arm, pulling me out of the park. We got a few concerned looks and i tried to tell him but he just kept ignoring me.

Bakugou-i-izuku please-

Deku-will you stop already?!

He turned around, stopping in the middle of the street to yell at me.

Deku-i don't want to hear your excuses anymore!

I tried to apologise and calm him down but he was having none of it, after a few minutes someone walked up to us.

Rando-excuse me-

Izuku turned around and glared at her, you could see the fear in her eyes as she took a step back but she didn't run away. Izuku wasn't the nicest looking person when he was angry, and he wasn't small either. Nobody would be able to tell that he's quirkless.

Rando-i-i'm sorry but you c-can't yell at him like that

I watched as he physically got much angrier which was normal for him. He hated when others interfered in our relationship and i'd already pissed him off so i knew this was going nowhere good. I didn't want him hurting her and it's not like he can get away with using the quirkless card here because he's clearly much stronger. As he let go of my arm to take a step towards the woman i stood in between them facing her.

Bakugou-t-thank you for your concern but we're alright, he's just a bit upset about something and he has a lot going on. I promise you he isn't normally like this

She looked at me sadly, i mean i understood what this looked like but really he wasn't like this.

Rando-a-are you sure sweetheart? Because i can call-

Bakugou-no need, thanks again but we'll get going now

I smiled at her and she smiled back, clearly not happy but there wasn't much else she could do. I grabbed izuku's hand and tried to walk away but he wasn't budging. I turned and saw he was still glaring at her.

Bakugou-izuku please...

It took a moment but he finally looked at me, his expression softened slightly but not by much meaning he was still mad at me too. When i tugged on his arm this time he followed behind me without arguing which i was grateful for. As we walked away i saw how many people had watched that and couldn't help but worry, izuku still looked like he wanted to kill someone. So once we'd gone a bit further i turned around and kissed him. When i pulled away he looked a bit happier and more calm but still not great. I held the side of his face and tried my best to sound sincere so he understood what i was saying.

Bakugou-i'm really sorry izuku, but please stop making a scene...if someone calls a hero you'll get into trouble. And i know you hate them so please just do this for me. You can yell at me as much as you want when we're somewhere less public

Hee looked shocked for a moment, but then his expression softened and he put his hand over mine, looking into my eyes kindly.

Deku-i'm sorry kacchan. I didn't mean to accuse you of those things, i was just angry about your friend. And then that woman butted in and I lost control a bit, but I'm not going to yell at you again ok?

Bakugou-ok, thank you

He smiled at me and kissed me, taking my hand again and we walked back home. 


Part 3! We're doing well 🤣.

I hope you enjoyed reading part 3 of My Boyfriend's Obsession! Let me know what you think of it so far coz feedback really helps 😅😅. But anyway

( ゚д゚)つ Byeヾ(•ω•')o

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