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-descriptions of blood/murder          -gore          


We did the same thing to another of our old classmates, only his family was there. We still managed to restrain them all and we had them all in the main bedroom. Izuku had already stabbed the dad because he was too much of a threat, the mum was with her daughter clearly trying to shield her as izuku repeatedly kicked the old classmate. I avoided watching, but he seemed to be...enjoying this more than last time. Was it because he had an audience? He always did envy families since he never had one of his own...he stopped and I looked over. The dad was laying on the ground bleeding out, izuku clearly having stabbed somewhere important. His younger sister was sobbing and the mother was still leaning over her in a protective way. I couldn't stand watching her cry anymore though.


He turned around to me and I flinched back slightly from the look on his face. It definitely wasn't a good idea to leave her in here any longer.

Deku-yes darling?


I walked over to him and whispered in his ear, not wanting one of the family members to act out when i did.

Bakugou-can i take the kid and her mother out...p-please?

Deku-...sure love, i wasn't planning on hurting them anyway

I thank him before going over to them, crouching down. The mother looked at me scared but i didn't want her to be.

Bakugou-please don't be scared of me, i just want to take you out of here

She tried to speak and it was muffled, but i had a pretty good idea of what he was saying.

Bakugou-i can't stop him, but do you really want your daughter to sit in here and watch him kill them?

She stopped, clearly realising something. And then she nodded to me. I helped her up with her kid, who was still terrified. And we went to leave when the father must have noticed. He got up and came at me but before he even got close izuku stabbed him in the neck, throwing him backwards. Blood sprayed out of his neck and it was obvious izuku caught an artery.

Deku-damn, that was such a waist

The mother yelled out and started crying and I quickly took them out. I picked up the kid, who was about 7, and led them into another room which happened to be a bathroom. I locked the door and the mother sat on the floor balling her eyes out. I couldn't blame her, she'd just seen her husband murdered and she'd left her son in there to die. I put her daughter next to her and they got close to each other, both crying.

Bakugou-...i know how terrible you feel right now, but your daughter is going to need you when this is over

She looked like she was going to throw up with how much she was crying, so I went over and took the tape off her mouth. She threw up in the bath behind her, coughing.

Bakugou-you probably want to yell and call out for help but if you do that nothing will stop him from coming in here and killing you too. So please, just stay quiet so your kid has at least one family member left...

She looked at me, tears still streaming down her face.

Mother-w-who are y-you two?

Bakugou-...i can't tell you. We're leaving tomorrow night, i need the both of you to stay in here until then in complete silence ok? After that you can yell and scream for help as much as you want

Mother-...thank you f-for sparing us...

Bakugou-...i need to go back, but i'll take your restraints off so you can comfort your daughter

She nodded to me and i broke off the zip ties. She immediately turned to her baby girl and took off hers, picking her up in a hug trying to shush and calm her. I got up and opened the door, looking back for a moment to see the mother crying again. But then she looked at me she smiled slightly. I felt so much guilt rush back again as I closed and blocked the door so they couldn't get out. I walked over to the other room and izuku had already killed him, but was still stabbing him over and over again. I looked away, feeling sick just from the look on his face. The pure pleasure as he did it. I went down stairs, hoping the mother cared enough for her kid that she wouldn't do anything stupid. I sat on the sofa for 5 more minutes before I saw izuku turn around the corner. The blood on his clothes is much more prominent. He took his jumper off which got rid of most of it and put on another that he had in his duffle bag.

Deku-where is the mother and kid?

Bakugou-l-locked in the bathroom, i-i told them to be q-quiet or you'd kill them

He walked over smiling and placed his hand under my chin. I looked up at him and smiled slightly.

Deku-good job baby~ let's get some rest now, yeah?


We laid down and I fell asleep a lot easier this time. When we woke up the next morning we grabbed a few things from the house, relaxing and cleaning up before our next house. And whilst izuku was washing the blood from his hair i went back upstairs. The scene in the bedroom was just as brutal as last time, if not more. I left another messenger on the foot of the bed. About how the boy had $u!c!de bated and was a jerk his whole life, and how the dad only tried to protect his family and didn't deserve it. I also left a message on the door of the bathroom, explaining how i locked them in there so they could be safe and other things. I then grabbed a house phone i'd found and slid it under the door.

Bakugou-we'll be gone in 20 minutes, when that time is up call the police and they'll come and save you

There wasn't an answer from inside, but i heard movement so i went back down to izuku. He asked what i had been doing and i told him i was checking on the living family. We left not too long after, when it was dark out once again.


I'm sorry this one is so short, i'm pratically rewriting every chapter i've written after this one so far cause they don't follow particularly well. But next week's should be longer! I hope you've enjoyed reading this chapter!!

( ゚д゚)つ Byeヾ(•ω•')o

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