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Izuku Midoriya was convicted of 36 accounts of murder and was given the death penalty. He didn't speak to anybody in the 9 months leading up to his execution, apart from one reporter a week before. Most of the time, however, Izuku was apologising repeatedly, begging for 'katsuki' to forgive him. When the reporter asked him why he killed all of those people, he replied with "I did it for you katsuki, so we could be together forever". he never showed any sympathy or remorse for those he hurt, smiling when shown pictures, but people claim he began sobbing irrationally until he passed out upon being shown a photo of katsuki.

Katsuki Bakugou was reported to have 74 stab wounds which astonished, and horrified, those who examined his body. They had no way of knowing which one killed him, or how long he suffered for before he finally died. All of his wounds had been horribly sown shut, and his broken arm had been forced back through his skin and into place, stitches attempting to hold the wound together. He had signs of old injuries littering his body from the last few months he was alive too. His name was spoken about for months after, speaking of how he was a victim, but nobody knew katsuki's true feelings, and nobody believed a single word that left izuku's mouth.


I saw a few comments that were confused and curious to what happened after so i hope this cleared things up! My next book should be out soon enough so i hope you all enjoyed reading!!

( ゚д゚)つ Byeヾ(•ω•')o

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