The End

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-description of gore/murder


He went straight into one of the rooms upstairs not being quiet at all, he came straight back out though and went into a different one. I noticed on the first door however one of those wooden boards that young kids would have that said their name, this one was accompanied by an elephant holding balloons. I feared the worst when i saw it and went over to the entrance of the room, pushing the door that was swung closed back open again. It creaked in the silence and inside i saw a cot sitting in the middle of the room. I stared in horror at the baby peacefully resting inside of it, and my heart dropped when i heard a thud in the next room. With how angry he was, it was clear to me how easily he'd be ticked off. He'd been a lot less lenient with me to so i doubt he'd listen to me if i asked him to not do something. I walked closer to the cot and stared inside of it, the baby didn't look to be over 18 months old, and i knew i had to draw the line here. I noticed a phone on the windowsill and ran over to pick it up, making sure it was usable. I pressed in that number i'd memorised a few days ago. Shutting the door. I pressed dial and held it to my ear, shaking nervously and with fear. It began to ring and i stepped away from the door so izuku couldn't hear me, praying he didn't come in, then again i knew he wouldn't. I took a deep breath, trying to convince myself he'd be too occupied with the parents to come find me, and then i heard a tired voice.

Aizawa-this is pro hero Eraserhead speaking, who is this?

Bakugou-m-mister aizawa...

I heard a bunch of loud noise come through the other side, like he'd panicked and knocked a bunch of stuff off, and when he answered again he sounded much more awake.

Aizawa-bakugou! Where are you, are you ok!?

I began tearing up slightly, all my feelings beginning to overwhelm me. His voice brought me a sense of comfort, but at the same time a new terror. If izuku knew what i was doing how would he react?

Bakugou-y-you were right...y-you were all right. I-i'm s-so sorry, please help m-me

Aizawa-did he hurt you? Please just tell me where you are!

Bakugou-...i-i think he's g-going to kill me m-mr aizawa...

The words left my mouth before i'd even thought them, but i spoke the truth. That was the thought that had been invading my mind the past few nights...he was going to kill me. The tears started falling and as he started to speak again i finally noticed what had been staring at me for the fast few seconds, the baby monitor sitting next to the crib. He'd just heard everything i'd said...I began to panic and went to tell aizawa but it was too late. When i heard the door creak open i froze, my blood running cold and i found myself unable to even utter another word. His footsteps approached me but i couldn't move, it was like i'd lost all feeling in my body.

Deku-katsuki...i thought you loved me?

I tried to turn around but his hand grabbed a fist full of my hair, stopping me and ripping some of it out. I yelled, dropping the phone and going to grab his wrist but he got mine first. He squeezed it so tight i felt something crack, i cried again.

Deku-i thought we could just pretend, you were doing so well~

I tried to speak but my head was pulled sidewards and slammed into a wall, shaking my entire head. I was stunned, a horrid aching pain spreading across my skull, his grip on my hair only tightening.

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