Messed up

736 15 4


-violence          -abuse          


So here i am, once again running home, but i'm not back too late this time. I even catch him waiting at the door today.

Bakugou-i-i'm sorry

Deku-you're late, again


He grabs my arm, dragging me inside and throwing me to the ground, i ended up whacking my head off the floor boards giving myself a headache in the process.

Deku-so you're lying to me again too?

Bakugou-w-what? N-no!

Deku-you told me you'd do better

He got frightening once again, raising his voice with every syllable.

Deku-and you come home late, again!

I teared up, trying to apologise but he kicked me in the stomach. I gasped coughing up the bit of blood that had accumulated in my mouth. I curled up clutching my gut in pain, he kneeled down next to me and grabbed a fist full of my hair, dragging my head up.

Deku-look at me

Not being able to hold them back any longer the tears poured over and i couldn't manage to open my eyes. He slapped me again hard, my head jerked but his grip in my hair didn't falter causing me to pull against it.

Deku-ignoring me? Are you fucking kidding me katsuki!? LOOK AT ME!

I tried to ignore the pain and looked up at him, his angry expression held true as ever and i couldn't stop crying.

Deku-better. Now, can you tell me what's gotten into you recently?

Bakugou-i-i'll do better, i-i can do better i s-swear

Deku-that isn't what i asked you, is it?



Bakugou-...i'm sorry, i don't know

Deku-you...don't know?

Bakugou-p-please izuku, don't h-hurt me again. I-i'm really sorry i didn't m-mean to

Deku-if you were sorry you'd stop doing this to me. You know i hate hurting you like this

Bakugou-then why do you keep doing this! I-i've tried so hard to please you, even after you killed my friend! I-i can't take this anymore, what happened to you...

He didn't answer me at first, i couldn't read his expression but his grip on my hair got tighter and he got so much angrier within seconds making me regret every word i spoke.

Deku-what happened to me? You lied to me, you tricked me, you ignored me every FUCKING DAY! But i let you...because i love you and trusted you, but then you went and stabbed me in the back by letting some other guy be all over you and you want to know WHY I'M LIKE THIS!?

...was this really my fault? D-did i make him like this?

Bakugou-i-i didn't mean t-too-

Deku-bullshit, do you know how you hurt me? What you're feeling now is only a small portion of the pain i felt every time i saw the two of you together

Bakugou-...b-bu he's dead izuku...and i-i can't do this anymore

Deku-what, don't you love me kacchan? I care about you so much, and you're just gonna...leave me?

Bakugou-no! still love you i-i'm sorry


He finally let go of my hair and my head dropped back down. He then hooked his arms under me and lifted me off the ground, i whined in pain as he carried me up the stairs and into my room. He then placed me on my bed and gently kissed my head before leaving. What was that? He hasn't been this nice in months...i feel bad for yelling at him. I shouldn't have been so harsh. He came back in and sat on the edge of the bed, starting to tend to my wounds.

Bakugou-...i'm sorry izuku, i shouldn't have yelled a-at you like that

Deku-hm...I...i'm sorry too kacchan, i didn't...i can't believe i hurt you like this

I winced as he dabbed a weather cloth on my busted lip. He did look like he felt bad, more than usual, but he hasn't hurt me this bad before either...

Deku-...i-i'll try to be better

You say that but you won't, even i know that...

Bakugou-t-thnks izuku...i'll be better too...

Deku-i know you will kacchan...i know

He gently touched the top of my head, patting down the misplaced hairs from where he'd pulled so violently out of anger. But when i saw a tear fall down his face my heart broke.


Deku-i-i'm so sorry, i...i love you kacchan i swear

Bakugou-i know...

I sat up, wincing and grabbing my stomach as I did, but I sat next to him and kissed him before hugging him. He hugged me back, being as gentle as he could. His sudden kindness completely broke me and i began to sob uncontrollably.

Bakugou-i love you izuku


These are going to get quite a bit worse so just keep an eye out for warnings in upcoming chapters 😅.  Also I'm finished with my exams finally so these should be coming out more regularly now, thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed!

( ゚д゚)つ Byeヾ(•ω•')o

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