Chapter 8

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"Do you want to be like me so badly that you even changed your hair Grayson?"
"In your dreams West"

"Do you want to be like me so badly that you even changed your hair Grayson?""In your dreams West"

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The memory of the teasing with his friend makes Dick laugh as he walks up the elevator. The red wig really was made to look like his friend's hair, as were the green lenses and quick almost incomprehensible way of talking that this disguise has.

As soon as the doors open he walks down the hallway in search of apartment 37. The penultimate one on the left side of the hall, from the floor plan the view from Gail Smith's window would be a horrible sight. Dick stops in front of the number and knocks twice on the door; inside the apartment everything seems to be silent. In the 1990s it would be easy to tell if you were home from the magazines and letters on the door, but this is no longer the 1990s. Two more knocks, to no avail. The door in front of 37 opens and a lady with Asian traits comes out to talk to the red-haired delivery man.

- Nobody answered you?

- Hello? - Dick removes his headset while chewing gum with his mouth open

- Did you order pizza from there?

The lady sees the young delivery man reach for his cell phone and makes a disappointed face.

- Damn, it's seventy-three, not thirty-seven.

- I figured, I haven't seen the girl who lives there for many days. I even thought she had moved away.

- Sometimes she's wasting time with her boyfriend, or girlfriend. -
Dick gives a mischievous smile.

- She was a nice girl, always saying hello when she left the house. But suddenly she was gone.

- You should talk to the landlord. Maybe she's in there and had a sudden illness.

- He already checked, opened the apartment, but there was no one there.

- And how was it inside?

- Normal.

- I understand. I shouldn't do that. But you are very nice.

Dick takes a slice of pizza out of the box and hands it to the smiling old lady, then says goodbye and heads back to the elevator.
Running with his bike after leaving the apartment, Dick heads to the next point on his schedule, the hidden entrance to the downtown street. Wearing a different version of his uniform underneath the deliveryman's street and with his batons disguised on his bike, Dick keeps in character as he rides over a bridge.

As he advances, the scenery begins to change, the asphalt on the avenue gives way to a very poor quality one, mattresses and garbage cans begin to appear, and the lights begin to become more rare, even though it is still daylight

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As he advances, the scenery begins to change, the asphalt on the avenue gives way to a very poor quality one, mattresses and garbage cans begin to appear, and the lights begin to become more rare, even though it is still daylight. But just ahead, everything seems to slowly return to normal, which makes Dick stop and analyze his surroundings. Beside the beam that supports the bridge there is an access, almost hidden. While walking towards the access, Dick intentionally dirties his clothes and blinks repeatedly so that the lenses start to irritate his eyes, this will be a nuisance for a longer time than necessary, but it's part of the job.

He notices a slope that leads to a narrow dirt road, time to abandon the bike. With only his backpack and the flashlight from his cell phone Dick walks about 400 meters, until he reaches a door, reinforced with steel, at first glance, armored. Before he can think about his next step, he hears the gun cocking behind his head.

- Who are you?

- Greg, I'm after Greg! -
Stuttering, Dick begins to act like an addict.

- Turn around! - With the barrel of the gun, the owner of the voice turns Dick around, throwing him against the wall and knocking the cell phone out of his hand. Using the same flashlight, the gunman checks Dick's eyes.

As soon as the light comes out of his eyes, Dick is able to recognize the person. The same person who was at the theft of the vases and probably the same person who shot at him in the museum.

 The same person who was at the theft of the vases and probably the same person who shot at him in the museum

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Exactly as in the first meeting, Dick could not get any definition of the person in front of him.

- Open your backpack.

- What? -
Dick's question gets a stunned response, making him dizzy

- Open it! -
with the gun pointed at the boy

Dick opens the backpack, at the same time covertly activating a gadget hidden in the label.

- Give it to me!

He throws the backpack at the person's feet as he prepares for the attack. As he picks up the backpack, Dick's attacker begins to search it, and as he reaches the end of the equipment, a jet of gas is thrown in his direction, causing him to drop the backpack, and begin shooting.

Grayson, waiting for this reaction, goes after the sniper. He throws a strong kick to his right hand, trying to disarm him, however, his opponent is also well trained. Dropping the gun with his right hand, the sniper takes it with his left and tries to shoot Grayson to his feet.

Barely, Nightwing manages to collect his foot and avoid the shot, grabbing his left hand pulling for an arm wrench. The two spin in the same direction, making the blow useless, as is the use of the gas, besides being a good distraction, the gas is anesthetic, however with the aggressor masked, the desired effect does not emerge. A second shot is fired, aiming at Nightwing's head.

"It's time to get more serious."

Dick takes advantage of the movement used by his opponent and lands two quick punches to his chin, equipment or not, these punches are painful. The attack has an effect and the shooter takes two steps back. Dick takes the opportunity for the next blow, a baianada, basically knocks the enemy down by grabbing him by the legs, a Brazilian capoeira blow that he learned from Black Canary.

 Dick takes the opportunity for the next blow, a baianada, basically knocks the enemy down by grabbing him by the legs, a Brazilian capoeira blow that he learned from Black Canary

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As soon as he falls on top of the sniper Dick holds up the left hand that was still holding the gun and begins to throw punches at his enemy. However, he hears the sound of the steel door opening. Twisting his opponent's wrist Dick stands up quickly picking up the weapon dropped by the blow. He shoots in the direction of the door and then at the cell phone he was using, shattering the device.

Using all the speed he has, Nightwing rides back down the hallway until he reaches the entrance, where his bicycle awaits him. He pedals as fast as he can, cutting across the first street he sees. A few meters ahead he enters an alley and, using his cane, begins to climb the stairs of the building next door. Soon he is on the terrace, jumping back into his hiding place.

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