honey - marla singer

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warnings: smut


you and marla were cuddled up in your not so huge bed. your financial state wasn't the best right now, and you barely could afford the rent and bills.

you had been staring at your sleeping girlfriend for the past hour, deep in your thoughts. finally she started to stir.

"good morning" you whispered.

marla tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "good morning to you too"

you pulled marla into a quick soft kiss. "i should start preparing some tea." you said while hopping off the bed.

you walked out of the room, ignoring marla's whines about waking up "so early".

you walked into the kitchen, your bare feet making slap noises as your feet hit the tile floor. you opened the fridge, expecting to see a whole damn grocery store waiting for you. (me.) there was a dried out cucumber, some suspicious-looking rice with chicken and a probably expired carton of oatmilk.

you picked the oatmilk, not caring if it was expired. you'll deal about it later. you filled the kettle with water and turned it on. marla had found the kettle while thrifting ages ago, and it was so old it could stop working any day.

you heard footsteps and saw marla coming out of the bedroom. she had finally decided to stop whining and get out of bed. she sat on the kitchen counter and lit a cigarette. what is she wearing? oh? bunny slippers? exquisite taste indeed. you giggled a bit at marla's slippers. "what is it?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows. "your slippers." you giggled. she rolled her eyes. "they're comfortable."

you turned around to turn off the kettle, as the water was boiling, stifling the rest of your giggles. you poured the water into two mugs you had taken out from the cabinet earlier, and reached for the tea box. you sighed as there was only some earl grey left. (i fucking hate earl grey.)
earl grey it is then. you dropped the tea bags into the two mugs, adding oatmilk and honey to yours and only honey to marla's.

you handed the mug to marla. "thank you" she said quietly, crushing her cigarette into the ashtray. you took a sip of your tea, spitting it into the sink afterwards as the taste of spoiled oatmilk filled your mouth. i should've really just threwn that milk away instead of putting it into my tea. you poured the rest of your tea into the sink, still trying to spit the disgusting taste out of your mouth. "this shits nasty" you said as you turned to marla. "i know what's even nastier." she smirked, as she sat the mug onto the counter, jumping off from it herself.

she pulled you into a fiery kiss, pulling you against the other counter. unfortunately, she pulled away. "get on the couch. now." she said, her voice full of lust. you followed her orders, and moved to the couch. you waited for her a bit. and there she came, with a bottle of.. honey? she had a massive smirk on her face, as she pushed you backwards, making you lay on the couch. she pulled you into another kiss, peeling your clothes off. she opened the bottle of honey, and started pouring it all over you. "marla- it's gonna be a lot to clean up after" you breathed.

"it doesn't matter"

she set the honey bottle down and started leaving light kisses all over your body. the kisses soon turned into licking, sending shivers down your spine. she moved down your stomach, to the place where you wanted her to be the most. you let out a high-pitched moan as she started circling your clit with her tongue.

you fell into pure bliss as she slipped a finger inside you. you were screaming her name again and again, not caring about the neighbors.

she added a second finger, fastening her pace. it didn't take you long to reach your climax.

"you're so much sweeter than that honey, my love."

my first time writing smut lol

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