our little secret - helen mccrory

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yours and helen's relationship has always been extremely private. you two did not want to be known as a couple in the public.

sometimes, it was exciting though.

holding hands under tables, quick kisses behind the corners, quiet i love you's.

of course, the paparazzis tried to snap a picture of every move you did, but thankfully they haven't captured anything more intimate than just holding hands. helen had explained it as "just being close best friends".

"darling?" you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"are you okay? you look like you just saw a ghost."

you now noticed that you were staring at a wall the whole time as you were deep in your thoughts.

"i- i'm just thinking" you replied.

helen turned the page of her book. "about what?"

"about our secret relationship - no, i'm not thinking about it negatively or anything, it's just the paparazzis, how long will we continue on keeping it secret and stuff."

helen set her book down and took your hand. "love, haven't we discussed about this before? our relationship is kept a secret just from the public - our friends and family know about this." she said softly while stroking your knuckles.

"and - there's no need to be ashamed if they found out."

you hummed in agreement. there was a short silence between the two of you.

"we should start getting ready for bed, shouldn't we? it's getting late." helen said as she stood up from the couch. she took your hand and helped you up.

hand in hand, you headed to your bedroom, in a comfortable silence.

you quickly changed to pyjamas as helen was doing the same in the bathroom. of course, the pyjamas were helen's, well, they were practically yours now, as you used them more than she did.

"you can come in now!" helen yelled from the ensuite bathroom as she had finished changing.

you got to the bathroom and you couldn't help but admire your girlfriend, as she was putting her hair in a braid. she looked so graceful doing so. your gazes met in the mirror, and soon bright smiles spreaded across your faces.

sorry for any mistakes

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