"just spit back!" - polly gray

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a short gif imagine 4 y'all

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a short gif imagine 4 y'all. instead of linda, it's you and she isn't in this one :) (had to edit ur behaviour a lot so y'all wouldn't be like linda) ALSO THIS IS LITERALLY COPIED FROM S4 EP6


"hey, y/n" polly's voice echoed through the room

"welcome to the extraordinary general meeting of the shelby ladies club" you all let out a laugh as she said that.

you walked over to one of the mirrors, turning around. "is there spit on my back? men out there spitting, it's fucking disgusting"

polly pressed a quick kiss on your cheek "no, love, there isn't any spit on your back."

she took a pack of cigarettes out of her purse. "well, since you're here" she started.

"lizzie's got some news."

"i'm pregnant" lizzie spoke from the other side of the room.

you had to admit, that line took you by surprise. "congratulations!" you sing-songed as you did a little run to lizzie and pulled her into a hug.

"alright ladies, let's rejoin our gentlemen" polly started.

she took your hand. "and just remember y/n, if they spit -"

"just spit back!"

does this make any sense? no. does this lack detail? hell yes!! it's something

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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