my adorable girl - cate blanchett

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i was resting my head against cates chest, listening to her soft humming while making circular patterns with my fingertips onto her neck and arms. i appreciated every second of this alone time that was pretty rare nowadays. 

i looked up at her, admiring her every beautiful feature. the way her eyes ran through the pages of the book she was reading, her brows sometimes furrowing if she read something confusing. the way she flicked strands of hair behind her ear if they were getting on her face. oh, i forgot to mention her best feature, her hands. god, her hands were so incredibly sexy. 

everything about that woman was so beautiful.

i hid my blushy face back into her chest.

"you're adorable" she chuckled.

i shot my head back up. "no i'm not!"

she started attacking my face with kisses. "oh yes you are"

"my adorable girl"

oh mommy issues

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