not a date - olivia colman

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yoooo this was requested by L0v3_1m_A_S1mp who sent me death threats to get this ready xx ily lizzy


"so, tomorrow at 7pm, right?" olivia yelled over her car roof at the parking lot. "yep, i think that'll go" you said with a grin.

"alright, i'll see you!"

you said your own byebyes and hopped into your own car, and turned the engine on. your way home was full of singing the songs that came on shuffle play from your spotify playlist. you were absolutely ecstatic that you were actually going out to dinner with the olivia colman.

after the ride home that felt like an hour, you were finally at your front doorstep, trying to figure out what key was your home key out of the massive bunch of them in your keychain. eventually, you found it.

you entered your home jumping and dancing around, your cat ding dong running away from the door he was waiting for you. atleast you were absolutely feeling yourself. you twirled into your kitchen, and started taking out ingredients out of the fridge and the cupboards for a quick dinner for yourself. you put on some music once again, and you were practically jumping on the walls while you waited for your rice and chicken curry to be ready. song after song, you were starting to become calmer, since you have been singing all those songs and dancing for the past half an hour.

you got yourself a plateful of the food you just made, putting the leftovers in the fridge. you absolutely teared that meal up after a long day surviving off with four coffees and a protein bar.

after dinner, you just left the dishes in the sink, being too lazy to wash them now.
you made your way upstairs to your room, leaving your door open though, just in case ding dong comes out of his hiding spot and comes to your room during the night.  and decided to choose tomorrow's outfit now, just so you could sleep longer tomorrow without a rush with getting your nails done and stuff.

you started rummaging through your closet, trying to find the pieces of clothing you were looking for. a short black vinyl dress with a bit too deep cleavage ended up in your hand. where the fuck would i wear this? looks like something a stripper would wear, no hate to them, but i'm not one, so no. clothing after clothing, you had found an acceptable outfit, a black top, a slightly sheer shirt with prints of roses on it, black jeans and heels. you sighed in relief, glad that the daily shitstorm of finding appropriate clothes was over.

you set the outfit up on hangers so it would be ready there to pick up tomorrow and started changing out of your this day's clothes. you picked out your favorite pajamas and headed to your ensuite to do skincare and brush your teeth.

absolutely exhausted from your crazy dancing and celebrations earlier, you jumped on your bed and fell absolutely limp. you soon did raise your head after hearing your phone buzz. there was a message from olivia.

collie: can't wait for tomorrow. good night!

you: me neither! nighty night xx

smiling at how excited she was of tomorrow too, you fell into a peaceful sleep.


the sun shining straight to your face, the weight of ding dong on top of you and  the sound of traffic woke you up from your slumber. you stretched out your hand to give ding dong head scratches, since he loved them. you picked up the seven husbands of evelyn hugo from your nightstand, but you could barely read a couple pages, since ding dong kept sticking his butt at your face. (i took notes from lizzy obv.) until you decided it was time to get the fuck up.

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