late night wrappings - narcissa malfoy

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hi everyone! i was right about my indecisiveness, im back :)

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hi everyone! i was right about my indecisiveness, im back :)


you slightly stumbled on your steps as you tiptoed downstairs with narcissa. you still had to wrap some of the gifts for your daughter rosemary, and of course, you couldn't wrap them during the day since she was always clinging to one of her mothers. 

you started putting some of the already wrapped presents under the tree, while narcissa fetched the wrapping supplies and the unwrapped presents. you tried hard not to drop any ornaments or knock over the tree, but miserably failed, as one of the ornaments did drop, startling narcissa a bit as she was walking up to the tree with a shit load of wrapping paper and presents.

"alright, let's start before the little one wakes up" narcissa sighed as she put the supplies down. 


"...and then you fold it over like this, put a bit of tape..." narcissa was patiently trying to instruct you as you did not know how to wrap gifts. you followed her steps but the gift ended up looking like a scruffy ball, definitely something that cats would play with. you smacked a floral bow on it. "ta-da!"

narcissa facepalmed. "that'll pass, rosemary will just think that it dropped from the sleigh on the way here" she grinned. 

you both put the last presents under the tree. "well i guess that's it" you yawned. 

the next thing that happened did give you both a heart attack. 

"mama?" your daughter called from the end of the stairs, little footsteps following the call. "why are you awake?" 

you side-eyed cissy, silently begging for her to say something. she walked up to rosemary, crouching down onto the toddler's level. "sweetheart we were just checking that has santa visited yet" 

narcissa's eyes scanned the room, seeing the papers, scissors and ribbon scattered across the room. "he did leave quite a mess..." 


happy holidays!
sorry again for how short this is, i cant seem to be able to write something long lmfaooo

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