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His MaSikhosana

Sasa's POV.

I yawn as I just woke up. Today I'm not going to work. I check the time on the wall and it is still around half past seven. I take my phone and I immediately see a text saying
×Good morning Someleze.hope you slept well×
×enjoy your day×
From an unknown number. am I the only one who find good morning's and night's text attractive well let's just say this one makes my heart melt. I just put my phone and get up to take a shower.

After taking a shower I wore some lounge wear and went downstairs. I am suppose to do laundry but then I'm too lazy. There's some research that I need to do but I'll make it later today.

I start with breakfast. I making bean ,bacon , eggs and toasted bread. While I was still waiting for water to boil ,the house phone rang. I answer and the guards says there's a delivery for me.

I waited for it. After minutes there was a knock I quickly went to open. There guard was carrying a large red boutique and the other one was carrying a box wrapped in blue cover.

Wow and then who's this. I thanked the guards after they put these down.
Sasa:"who is this from?"
Guard 1:"there was a bl...."
Guard2:" There's a card mam"
He doesn't finish it because the other one has already answered.

I just nod and they walk out. I eat.
After I was done I take a vid of my boutique and post it on Instagram.

I read the card and it is written

'Have a good day maSikhosana'

I smilled opening a box.
'Ohh' i say amazed by what I see infront of me.
It's a portrait of ohh wait I said it wrong portraits of myself.
The first one is my selfie picture and it was drawn. Second one It's my IG profile picture and the last one It was when I was in the evelator with the ki....wait wait wait.

Where is this picture comes from?i mean it was me,the king and the guards in the evelator so...
Am I being followed by a king?no it can't be but...who took this photo. It is beautiful yes but why would a king take a photo of me?

This doesn't make sense at all. Why would a king stalk me?Is he the one who sends me texts?Who sent those flowers yesterday?wow.

No I need something. I call ndiswa and tell her I need her right now.

After 40minutes or so ,Ndiswa get In the house.

Ndiswa:"I left work as soon as you told me to come what's wrong? Why are you drinking so early in the morning?"

Me:"Th..the the king is stalking me." I said

Ndiswa:"ohh. So you already know?"

Me:"what?I already know?what do you mean?did  you know about this?"

Ndiswa:"yes.friend I was strictly told that I must not tell you. I don't know why. Haven't you noticed that you're being stalk every where you go there's almost guards. The King hasn't come in the hospital for almost two years but because there's you he's always there. That man is obsess to  you Sasa."

I couldn't believe what Ndiswa just said. I just took a whole bottle of wine and gulp it. But it was snatched from me before I finish it.

Ndiswa:"Sasa stop what you're doing man."

Me:"why...Why would a whole king be obsess to me?why why me?"

Ndiswa:"don't cry sasa." I didn't even knew I was crying. She just hug me tightly.
Ndiswa:"Sasa look at me" I look at her. "Don't cry okay?don't cry the only person to answer your question is him."

I shook my head
Me:"I don't want him. I don't..."

Ndiswa:"if that's what you want then I'll support you pls don't cry sasa." I don't even know why I'm crying.

Me:"thank you so much for being here for me. I love you."

Ndiswa:"I love you baby." I smilled.
"Let's see what did the king bought you."
She got up to see.
Ndiswa:"ohh my god Sasa!!!!"

Sasa:"you're making noise."

Ndiswa:"wait sasa this portraits. Let me ohhh this one." She said referring to the picture  that was taken by a king.....
  to be continued

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