meeting the king.

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Ndiswa:"who took you this one?"

Me:"it's him" she look at me in disbelief.

Ndiswa:"where you with the king?and I don't know wow. You are too secretive shem"

Sasa:"I'm not. It was yesterday. I text you remember? When I say 'I was with your favorite person'"
She laughed.

Ndiswa:"he's not my favourite person" I chuckle

Ndiswa:" Did he steal this photo?because it seems like you weren't noticing."
I nod.

We continue chatting and she told me she has to go. I accompanied her to her car after I went back inside.
I sat down and sigh...

Let me just reply to this king...
×thank you×
He was offline okkay...

Nqobizitha's POV

I'm at the palace waiting for Bhekizizwe so we can  start with the meeting.

I saw her recent story that she just post. Ohh she got the gifts. I hope she likes them. I went through her pictures and I saw the one she was wearing scrubs.
Seems like the person who was taking her a photo took it unexpected because her eyes where closed. Then there's the one here she's in her office sitting on a table.

Her smile is as captivating as her frown.Yes as her frown In her pictures there's a few where she had frown. I don't know why my ancestors sent her my way but I'm grateful. She's so beautiful.

"So what's her name?" I look up to find my dad looking at me with a frown.

Me:"I don't know what you're talking about father"
We gathered in a table.
Bheki has arrived but mom suggested we eat first.

Mom:"nqobizitha what's her name?" Everyone was now looking at me

Mom:"The girl that making you smile and hum songs early  in the morning?"
Me:" Ma I don't know what you're talking about."

Bheki:"mhhhh bhut'omdala." I look at him.

Me:"don't you dare." It was now quiet

Bheki:"Ma uneentombi lo." My brothers whilst the same time. I just look at bheki. How dare he tell my mom that I'm dating.

Me:"mma angmazi ubheki ukhuluma ngani."  She look at me with a huge smile on her face.

Her:"stjele phela what's her name? When am I going to see her?"

Ma:"hayboo mma." Everyone laughed....

After eating we start with our meeting.

Father:"I have asked you to came here because I want us to talk about your safety. From now on each of you will have guards. No one will be driving himself and lastly Nqobizitha your advisor is arriving later today.
Bhekizizwe you will have 1 house so the guards will be there. Any question so far?" We kept quiet.

"Okay since you all know that Nqobizitha's coronation is in 2 months. I will want you to please be safe. No one will be attending school ,work and I mean it. Nqobizitha stop going to mountain cliff."

Nqobi:" But father..." he cut me short

Father:"Nqobi wezitha zakwa Zulu!! I'm not asking you here." I get up and went out leaving them shouting my name.

I get in the car and told the driver to drive me to my villa. I was driven there and when I arrive I took a shower and took my phone.

There were lot of missed calls from father and my brothers. I also had the text from Someleze. She said thank you.

I spent the rest of my day  in my villa.
I decided to call bheki.

ME'Bafo no need to worry. I'm safe'
Bheki:"Where are you?dad is looking for you. He thinking of shutting the city down and send a military to look for you."I sigh
Me:"No need for that I'll be there in the morning. I need to apologise."
Bheki:"Kulungile bafo we will talk." I hung up.

I fucked up. I shouldn't have done that. Maybe there's someone who can make me calm down
I get in the car and went to mountain cliff.

×Can I see you?× I sent a text just after the car parked.

Sasa's POV

I pack my laptop and books that I was using. My phone beep
×Can I see you?× wtf? It's late and you want to see me. Never shame the next thing I get kidnapped and no one would know where I went no no no.

×I'm begging you.×
×it's late I can't.×
After some time my phone rang. The very same number.

"Please come and see me."
"No." I say firmly.
"Should I come up there?"
"What do you want from me?"
"I will tell you if you come."
"Sir I don't want to know you please loose my number." I hung up. Breathing heavily. I went to the kitchen and drank water.

Let me just go take a shower so that I can sleep.
I spent almost an hour thinking about the king. Why would he contact me.
I get out and wrap a towel around my body.

When I went in my room only the bedside led lamp is on.

Me:"Did I?no "did I switched off the lights before going to shower? No I didn't
Me:"am I losing my mind?" I just switched on and went to lotion and I wear my pyjamas. I went back to my room the lights were off again  something was going on here. I look around. Nothing  okay.  I went downstairs. I heard the tv playing.

I look in the lounge. The King was there.  Sitting on my couch wft is happening here am I dreaming or what?

Him:" thought I should come up here...... Since you were taking your time I made myself coffee. Do you want some" he said his eyes fixed on the tv screen...

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