Chapter 8

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Kim Sunhee

I opened my eyes slowly as I yawned. I tried to move my head, but there was something weighing it down. I realized it was Chan's head. I couldn't help but laugh. I decided to just stay in that position because he looked so peaceful. Also, his snores were light, and the sound was rather comforting.

A few minutes later, I heard the bus driver announce that we had arrived at Seoul. "Chanyeol," I whispered as I shook him, trying to wake him up. "Chanyeol... Channie." His head was still over mine.

"Chan," I kept on muttering as I tried to shake him. I groaned. "This guy, seriously," I said under my breath.

"What about this guy?" I heard him say. He finally moved his head and stared at me expectantly.

"We're in Seoul," I responded. "You have a heavy head."

He laughed. "That makes two of us." He winked at me.

I looked at him in mock-shock and hit his arm playfully. "Let's go," I said once the bus had emptied.

We got our suitcases and left the bus station. I called Hwanchul, while Chanyeol got some coffee for us two. I sat on a bench, patiently waiting for the driver to arrive. Chan sat beside me. We were silent as we drank our coffee. It was a comfortable silence, thankfully.

After a while, I saw a familiar navy blue BMW stop in front of us. I smiled as I grabbed my stuff. "I'll take you home, if you'll allow me to."

"I hope I'm not a bother."

"Nah, it's okay. That way I can leak your address on the internet." I tried to wink, but failed because of the uncontrollable giggles that escaped my mouth.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes, but had a smile on his lips. "Let's go."

Once we were close to the car, Hwanchul stepped out and offered to help us with our luggage. I declined his offer and put the stuff on the trunk by myself. I never really let him help me out, unless it was necessary. He was my driver, not my slave. I could do it myself.

"Miss, where do I have to take you to?" he asked, looking at us in the rearview mirror.

I looked at Chanyeol with an awkward expression since I had no idea of where he lived. He caught on and told Hwanchul his address. After a while, we arrived at one of those luxurious small apartment complexes.

We both stepped out of the car, and Chanyeol took his bags out of the trunk. "Well, I guess this is goodbye," he said. "I must admit that this short vacation has been rather amazing, all thanks to you. I was actually having a dull time before meeting you. I hope we can meet sometime soon, perhaps tomorrow? You tell me whenever you're free."

"I had a great time, too. And yeah, I'm free for the next two months, so you just let me know when you're free, okay?" I smiled a toothed smile.

He smiled back. "Okay. I'll text you."

We stared at each other for a while, not knowing what to do. I just waved and turned around, then ran back to the car. Wow, that was awkward.

"Please, take me home."


Park Chanyeol

Two weeks had passed since we got back to Seoul. We texted everyday and even got together several times, whenever I was in town, either at a cafe, or a restaurant, or her house. She was free everyday, which made things easier. I wasn't that busy when I was in town either, but I still had some things to do during the day time.

To: Sun~

How about you stop by my house tonight? The guys and I will all get together in my apartment, and I think it'd be cool if you met them.

I put my phone down and yawned. I was extremely tired because I had gone to bed really late the previous night. That gaming life...

A few seconds later, my phone vibrated.

From: Sun~

I'll be there, but you have to keep me company, okay?

I quickly typed in a reply, before going back to bed and falling asleep immediately.

To: Sun~



At exactly seven, all the boys were gathered around the apartment. They were actually the only people who would be here besides Sunhee. I didn't really have that much close friends other than the boys, but there were eight other guys in EXO... that was more than enough, honestly.

I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly jumped up and bolted to the door.

"What? You invited someone?" Baekhyun yelled from the kitchen.

I laughed. "Yes, I invited a friend of mine. Please be nice!" I shouted so that all the boys could hear me. I opened the door, only to find Sunhee standing there, wearing white dress and a beige jacket over it. She looked attractive. And that was just great.

"Hi!" she said excitedly as she engulfed me into a hug.

I hugged her back, sniffling her flowery scent. "I'm glad you could make it. Please, come in." I let her walk in and closed the door.

Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks. She quickly turned around and walked up to me. "Wait, are all your band mates here, too?" she whispered.

I just nodded, grabbed her arm and pulled her into the living room, where Junmyeon, Sehun, Jongin, and Jongdae were. "Guys, this is Sunhee, my only company back in Busan."

She bowed and so did all of them. They analyzed her entire frame, while she just stared at her shoes. Wow, what an awkward girl.

"I'm Jongin, nice to meet you," Jongin said as he got on his feet, bowed, and smiled that charming smile of his.

"I'm Junmyeon, it's a pleasure," Junmyeon said from the couch.

"Sehun," Sehun said, smiling mildly at her.

"I'm Jongdae," Jongdae said rather lowly, while he stared at her firmly.

I looked at her, and I noticed her complexion grow red. I laughed as I wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Stop being so awkward, they're all really nice," I whispered into her ear as I rubbed her shoulder.

She nodded and finally looked up. "I'm Kim Sunhee, it's a pleasure." She bowed and then smiled.

I dragged her into the kitchen, where Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Yixing were. Baekhyun was just laughing at something Lay had said, and when his eyes fell on Sunhee, his mouth hung open and his eyes opened wide for a second. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight.

"Guys, this is Sunhee, the friend I made at Busan."

Baekhyun nodded as he stared at her. His eyes then fell on her legs, and there was a smile on his lips. "I'm Byun Baekhyun, it's very nice to meet you." He bowed.

Kyungsoo smiled and then said, "Call me Kyungsoo."

Yixing held his hand out and she shook it. "I'm Yixing, the Chinese member. It's a pleasure."

Sunhee smiled and bowed. "It's very nice to meet you all!" Well, finally. It was about time that she started warming up.

But there was something missing... something really important. Ah, right. That very important thing was Minseok. Ugh, that guy, seriously. I wanted to introduce them tonight, just to see how things turned out.

Then, suddenly, the guest bathroom door opened and Umin hyung stepped out. Sunhee turned to look at his direction, and her lips were slightly parted. Minseok was looking at the floor, and when he finally looked up, the first thing his eyes caught was Sunhee. They just stared at each other silently, while I smiled to myself.

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