Chapter 9

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Kim Sunhee

After Chanyeol introduced me to all of his friends, I noticed that there was one missing. The most important one, actually. Minseok. I silently wondered where he could be as I smiled at D.O., Baekhyun and Lay.

All of a sudden, I heard the sound of a door opening. I turned to look at that direction, and that was when I finally saw him. He looked even more dashing in person. My heart was beating crazily against my chest, as I stared at Minseok with my mouth slightly agape.

I felt as if time had stopped in that exact moment. I was astonished by the handsome figure standing in front of me. He was flawless. Captivation irradiated off his skin, and I felt helpless and breathless.

He had perfect milky white skin and gorgeous black colored hair, which was cut lower on the sides. His jaw was sharp, very defined, which only made him look more striking. At the top of his head, where the longer strands of hair were, he had the hair tied into an apple bun. So much for being adorable. He had slightly oversized clothes, and I noticed that he was almost my height. That was okay, as long as he wasn't smaller.

Finally, he raised his head and his eyes fell on me. He just looked at me with no expression whatsoever, and I didn't know what to do. I finally turned to look at Chanyeol with pleading eyes. They were screaming, 'Help me!'

Chanyeol just smirked and pulled me by the arm. "Hyung, this is Sunhee, the girl that kept me company back in Busan."

I was frozen and didn't know what to do. I couldn't even bow.

Oh, my God, I'm so ridiculous.

"Wow, uh, it's really nice to meet you. My name is Kim Minseok, but you can call me Minseok. It's a pleasure." He bowed his head.

He was so cute! His eyes were so big and pretty, and I had no regrets on having a crush on him. Who knew that I actually had good taste in men?!

I gulped, then smiled warmly. "I'm Kim Sunhee... Chan's friend. It's my pleasure, and it's really great to meet you."

We stared at each other, and then I had to avert my gaze because the eye contact was driving me mad.

After a while, we all decided on going to the living room. Some of them sat on the couch, others grabbed a chair, and the remaining ones sat on the floor. I sat on the floor, right in between Minseok and Chanyeol.

"How about we play a game? I mean, since we don't really know you," Lay offered.

They all agreed, and finally, so did I. We settled in playing two truths, one lie. The game basically consisted on what you can already assume. One says two truths and one lie about them-self and the victim chooses which one out of the three is the lie. Since I was the unknown person to them, I was the one who would be saying the three facts. They had to decide what was true and what was not. Every time one guessed wrong, they had to take a shot of Soju. Hehe.

"Okay. Well, I have an older brother, I'm 21 years old, and I was born in Seoul." I was so good at lying, I had become quite an expert in the past few years.

It was Yixing's turn to guess. "The lie is that... you were born in Seoul?"

I smiled. "Wrong. I don't have any siblings." Chanyeol laughed and patted me on the back. Lay downed his shot, and I swear that his face got redder than a tomato, almost immediately.

"I study at Seoul National University, I'm majoring in psychology, and I can speak Spanish."

It was Sehun's turn to guess. "Is the lie that you're majoring in psychology?"

"You got it right." We all clapped at Sehun and he bowed at us.

"I know I'm fantastic," he said, smirking at us all.

"So what are you majoring in?" Minseok asked, taking me aback.

"Law," I said shyly.

He simply nodded and smiled.

"I have never had a boyfriend before, I really hate kimchi and I love coffee."

It was Jongdae's turn, and he smirked, obviously very confident on his answer. "The lie is that... you've never had a boyfriend before."

The boys all clapped even before I was able to say what the actual lie was. Once they had finally silenced, I was about to speak, but Chanyeol beat me at it. "Actually, the lie is that she hates kimchi. She has never really had a boyfriend before." He smiled.

Most of them looked surprised, others, like Baekhyun, wore a smirk, and Minseok just smiled to himself. These boys, seriously... Chen took his shot and we proceeded.

"I have never been to Europe, I've only kissed someone once in my life, and I am fluent in English."

Junmyeon's turn. "I would assume that the lie is you having only kissed once, but my gut is telling me that it is that you've never been to Europe before."

"That's right." I smiled as I felt a blush overtake my complexion, while gluing my eyes onto my hands.

"Jesus, you really are unexperienced!" Jongdae said, mocking shock.

Everyone laughed, but I felt rather embarrassed. "I- well, I am, indeed."

"Didn't you and Chanyeollie share a single kissie back in Busan?" Baekhyun asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

My eyes widened and so did Chan's. "Baekhyun, I swear," Chanyeol began, but was cut off by me.

"No-nothing happened. Anyway, um. I'm addicted to sugar, I am really good in maths, and I like to run."

It was Jongin's turn. "Is it that you're really good in maths?"

"No," I said as I giggled. "I hate to run, but I'm quite good in mathematics."

After Baekhyun failing to get the right answer and Kyungsoo answering correctly, it was finally Minseok's turn. I didn't know what else to say, I mean, there wasn't much to me.

"I'm quite a dancer, I have a thing for big eyes, and I don't eat that much."

He thought about it for a second before speaking. "You don't look like much of a dancer." He winked.

I stared at my legs as the heat rose to my cheeks. "You're right."

"In that case, I... I can teach you anytime," he said as all the boys looked at us. They all began oh-ing and ah-ing. Chanyeol just stared at us with a funny look on his face.

Right then. I received a text message. It was from Chan... what the hell?

From: Channie

I told you he'd like you, didn't I?

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