Chapter 31

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Kim Sun-hee

After that Sunday night, I couldn't stop thinking about what Baekhyun and I talked about, and how he did notice.

The only person who is dense enough to not notice it is Chanyeol.

Did Chanyeol really not know? Or was Baekhyun mocking me? Ah, so much to mull over and so little time.


Almost a week later, I found myself deciding whether to dial Chanyeol's number and invite him over, or not. Just when I was about to press the call button, I received a call... from Baekhyun.


He chuckled. "Good afternoon, Sun-hee. Care to pay us a visit? I have something in stock for the both of you."


"Look, just come! I'll be there waiting for you, knock on my door instead of Chanyeol's." He hung up after that.

As much as I'd like to deny it, I was actually so curious as to what he had planned out. I got changed real quickly, since I had already taken a shower priorly. My hair was a mess, but did I care? Yes, of course, but I was desperate to leave.

"Hwanchul, I need you to drive me to Chanyeol's," I requested as I hung my bag on my shoulder, with my gaze firmly fixed on it.

"Chanyeol? Who is that?" a way too familiar voice asked.

My eyes widened as I slowly lifted my head. "Dad," I smiled sheepishly, then chuckled. "You're home!"

"Hey, Sun-hee, answer me. Could he possibly be... your boyfriend?" The edges of his lips turned up, forming a smile. What the...?

I cleared my throat before chuckling. "No, nothing like that, daddy. He's just my close friend."

"Close friend? Then, why don't I know him?"

I snickered nervously. "You're never here. He's come over a few times."

"I see. Well, then, it's set. Tell him to come have dinner with us tomorrow."

"I don't-"

"I'll see you later. I hope to meet your friend tomorrow." He kissed my forehead and smoothly walked away.

Crap, what have I gotten myself into?

Sun-hee! Just forget about it and go now.

Finally, Hwanchul drove me to the EXO residence and soon after, I was walking my way to Baekhyun's apartment, which was right in front of Chanyeol's. I knocked on the door twice, completely forgetting the fact that there was a doorbell. Stupid girl.

Baekhyun opened the door. "Took you long enough..." He eyed me from head to toe and smiled. "Come in."

I stepped into his apartment and sat on the couch. "So what exactly is your plan, Mr. Cupid?"

He smiled evilly and sat beside me. "Nothing especial, really, but have you ever played truth or dare?"

"No- wait, that isn't your plan, is it?"

"Kind of, not quite. You just wait and see, and go along with anything that I say." He ruffled my hair. "Ah, I'm such a good friend, aren't I?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"If only Umin hyung knew what I'm trying to do, he'd be disappointed on me."

I turned to face him. "Then, why are you doing it?"

"Just because." He winked.

A few minutes later, Baekhyun and I walked over to Chanyeol's. He opened the door and greeted us with a smile.

"How come you two came together?" he asked, eyeing us suspiciously.

We both laughed simultaneously. "We just happened to bump into each other at the elevator," Baekhyun lied. "So I've come to spend some time with you two."


"I'm bored," Baek complained as we lazily lied on the living room. I took the couch, while both guys lied on the floor. "Say, Chanyeol, wanna make a bet?"

"A bet? What kind of bet?"

Baekhyun smirked as he stared at me. "We'll play an online game, and the winner gets to dare the loser to do anything. Since Sun-hee is here, as well, we'll have her choose either one of us, so if she, let's say, chooses me and I lose, she'll have to do the dare with me." He batted his eyelashes at Chanyeol. "What do you say?"

"Let's do it." Chanyeol smiled at me.

I looked away shyly, obviously knowing my answer already. "I'll go with Chanyeol..." I said in a fragile voice.

Chanyeol placed an arm around my shoulders and said, "Don't worry, we'll win this."

And we didn't. Baekhyun beat Chanyeol at last minute, thankfully.

"So I'll dare you two now," he said as he paced around the living room. "Ah, I got it!" he exclaimed as he snapped his fingers simultaneously. "I dare the two of you to spend the next six hours inside Chanyeol's room. Neither of you can go out, not even to pee, so I suggest you use the bathroom now."

That was actually... brilliant.

"Wait here, let me go get something." Baek said and quickly made his way outside. Seconds later, he came back, holding what seemed to be some kind of handcuffs. What? "I'll just tie you two together by your belt straps, that way, neither of you will be able to free yourselves without getting naked." He winked and laughed. Baekhyun secured the handcuffs around our front straps.

I nearly died from the heat that overtook my whole body.

Chanyeol chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck. I don't know if it was me, but I saw Baekhyun give him a look.

Chan wrapped a hand around my wrist and smiled down at me. "Let's go."

I nodded as I gulped discretely. I gave Baekhyun one last look, but it wasn't a scowl or a glare. It was more like a smile. I was kind of thankful, just kind of.

We walked our way to Chanyeol's room, and we were so close it was almost too close for comfort. Still, I felt my heart beat get faster by the second and my stomach jump all over the place. I was actually kind of excited just by imagining what could possibly happen.

Chanyeol locked us inside his room. We both crashed on his bed and faced the ceiling. It was quiet for almost half an hour, until he broke the awkward silence. He started asking about college and other stuff.

"So my parents are in town..." I trailed off.

"Really? That's cool."

I giggled. "Yeah... I guess. Anyway, I kind of accidentally mentioned you in front of my father today, and he wants to meet you."


I cleared my throat. "Tomorrow, dinner."

"I'll be there." He pinched my cheek.

I rolled my eyes. "Alright..."


Get ready for the next chapter~

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