Chapter 1 - The Swamp

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Author's Note: This is a gift request for fanofeverything25. ^-^

~ Amina Gila

I know some things about differences between genders and whatnot can be a touchy subject, but this is supposed to be humor, okay? So no one take it too seriously. It's not intended to offend anyone. 

~ Tirana Sorki

Anakin has sensed the disturbance in the Force from the moment he, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Padme landed here for their brief vacation away from the war and politics, but now that they're out here near the swamps, it's only growing steadily stronger.

"It's coming from over there," Obi-Wan observes as they sit on the bank of the swampy-like lake. It's much deeper farther out, but Anakin doesn't dare venture too far out. He doesn't see anything out of the ordinary, but the Force is definitely insisting otherwise.

"I think we should stay away," Anakin says cautiously, eyeing it. He's almost certain he can feel traces of the Dark Side here too, though everything still looks perfectly peaceful. He doesn't trust the strange, jumbled feelings at all.

"I'm going to get a closer look," Obi-Wan declares, apparently deciding to completely ignore all common sense and logic.

"We don't know what could be in there," he warns, as Obi-Wan starts forwards into the lake.

"That's why I'm going to take a closer look," he insists, setting off.

Fine. Fine. If his master is going to be stupid and go in there, Anakin won't leave him to be stupid alone. This just might be another mess he will have to drag his master out of.

"Wait there," Anakin calls over his shoulder to Padme and Ahsoka and starts after Obi-Wan.

"Are you sure about this, Master?" Ahsoka objects.

"No," he says flatly, "Just wait for us; we'll be right back."

"You think we're just going to wait while you walk into that?" Padme demands crossing her arms.

Anakin would've taken the time to respond, if the Force hadn't suddenly started to surge, a strange ripple running through it.

Oh great. What has Obi-Wan gotten himself into this time?! Hoping that Ahsoka and Padme are going to do as he asked, Anakin takes off into the water after his definitely insane, former master.

The swamp looks perfectly normal once Anakin makes it to where he thinks Obi-Wan is, but something is very, very wrong. They need to get out of here, before –

Anakin and Padme are right behind him, and he's about to order them to turn back so whatever strange Dark Side thing is about to happen won't affect them too, but he doesn't have the chance. The Force almost curls around him with an intensity so thick it's nearly tangible. There's a blinding flash of light, before everything blacks out.


The first thing that Anakin registers when he opens his eyes again is that everything feels... different. Not in a way he can put into words, but it's just... wrong.

"What –" a strangely deep voice says, and Anakin's head snaps to the side to see Ahsoka – or at least someone who must be Ahsoka – slowly pushing herself – himself?!?!? – up into a sitting position.

She suddenly looks taller and distinctly physically different, very much in the way male Togrutas look. And she – he?! – feels slightly different in the Force, too. But his markings are exactly the same as Ahsoka's used to be, and those are unique to each person, so it must be her.

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