Chapter 4 - A Supply Run Gone Wrong

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Author's Note: This storyline is two parts. :)

~ Amina Gila

It was supposed to have been nothing more than a simple supply run, but the Imperials on their tails just won't stop chasing them. Ezra Bridger sprints in between the trees, splashing through the water around him, Sabine Wren close behind. Sabine twists around, firing several shots over her shoulder at the pursuing stormtroopers, before they take off again.

"So much for this being easy," Ezra puffs, reaching for his lightsaber. Igniting it, he deflects away the blaster shots as they continue to retreat further and further into the swamp.

At least they're sort of getting closer to the Phantom though, because they've been trying to lead on a roundabout route to get there.

A strange ripple seems to run through the Force as they continue to retreat through the swamp, though, getting to an area that has even deeper water. Something feels... wrong. He can't place what, but the Force is distinctly warning him not to go there.

"Sabine, wait!" Ezra calls, "We can't go that way."

"Don't have much choice," she yells back, dodging a shot that nearly takes off her head, and sprinting forwards, jumping into the swamp behind them, and starts to swim across. Right now, Ezra really wishes they brought her jetpack.

Well, if she's going that way, he'll have to, also. And maybe they can lose the stormtroopers in the water, since they haven't made it far enough to see where they went, yet. Ezra runs after, jumping in behind her.

The moment he's actually in the water, he suddenly can't shake the feeling that this was a terrible mistake. He doesn't have another chance to call a warning to Sabine, before the Force curls around him, tensing in a way that's almost physical. He can't even explain it, but it feels cold and dark and the sensation scares him, because it feels like the Dark Side, and – The next thing he knows, there's a blinding flash of light, and he abruptly blacks out.


Sabine has absolutely no idea what just happened, but the next thing she knows, she's opening her eyes, lying on her back on the beach, a distance away from where they'd run into the stormtroopers. What just happened?

The next thing she instantly notices is that she feels weird. Her armor is way too tight and downright uncomfortable, as though it's suddenly much too small for her. And she just feels different in a way she can't place.

Turning her head to the side, she sees Ezra slowly starts to push himself up next to her, except... Wait

Why does he have long hair?! And why does he look like a girl?!?!?!

She blinks, and then again, but his new, very strange looks don't change. "Ezra?" she asks, cautiously, but – what?! The voice that comes out of her throat is distinctly not her own. It sounds like a boy.

"... Sabine?" Ezra replies, except his voice sounds like a girl, a little more high-pitched than he actually talks.

And suddenly, Sabine has a very, very bad feeling on why she suddenly looks so different. Slowly, she looks down at herself and...

"What happened to you?!" Ezra demands, half-frantically, "Why do I sound so strange?"

"I don't know!" Sabine yelps, wincing at the sound of her – his?!?!? – own voice.

Maybe she's completely lost her (?) mind, because there's absolutely no way she just became a boy. Or that Ezra just because a girl.

"You... look like a girl." Sabine cringes again. She needs to stop talking. This is too weird. Maybe she drowned in the swamp and this is some crazy afterlife.

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