Chapter 8 - Rise of the Swamp

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Author's Note: Yes, this is shamelessly based off LEGO Star Wars. :) xD

~ Amina Gila

The First Order is finally gone, and it's still taking Finn a long time to fully process the implications. Everything in his entire life that he remembers has revolved around that, whether fighting for or against it.

He's still constantly working together with Poe, Rey, Rose, and Chewbacca on missions, helping to clean up the final remnants of the Empire, but the galaxy is free. He's free. He won't have to fear losing Rey or Poe or Rose anymore. It's a dream come true – beyond his wildest dreams.

"There's something wrong with that swamp," Rey's voice breaks through his thoughts, snapping him to present.

Poe gives her an odd look. "It looks perfectly normal to me."

Something nags at Finn, somewhere deep inside of him. It's not quite danger, but it's a distinct warning – don't go any closer. "I can feel it too!" he exclaims, a hint of eagerness in his voice. It's the Force, Rey told him when she tried to start training him with it. They haven't gotten far, and he thinks his progress is pathetically dismal, but at least he can use it for something.

"Whatever's in there, we want to avoid it," Rey replies firmly.

BB-8 beeps inquisitively, rolling back a little.

"Come on, whatever it is, we can handle it," Poe retorts, starting forwards, "It's the fastest way there."

"Poe, wait!" Finn protests, "We can go around!"

"No time." He walks forwards right into it, and something curls in the Force, dangerously, warningly.

"Poe!" Finn sprints after him, fear spiking. What was he just thinking about not having to worry about losing his friends anymore?!

"Wait!" Rey yells after them, and he can hear her splashing in the swampy water behind them, as the Force coils around them, warningly. They need to go back, but if he can't talk Poe out of this –

Anything could be about to happen! Something is shifting, changing, twisting around them, and it's the last thing he registers before he suddenly blacks out.


Poe knows instantly that something is very wrong. He feels... weird, and he can't quite place how. He's lying on his back somewhere, his clothes feel strangely loose, and – How did he get here?! They were just going through that swamp, and – What happened?!

He jolts upright with a start, urgently scanning his surroundings, and stopping to gape at the two suspiciously familiar people lying right near him.

A dark-skinned girl with short black hair, and a boy with slightly longer brown hair. The girl's clothes look exactly like Finn's, just much too big now, and the boy's clothes look like Rey's but way too embarrassingly small.

"What?" he blurts, then nearly chokes at the very strange voice that comes out of his mouth. He looks down, heart suddenly hammering wildly as he sees – he's –

He doesn't look like a "he" anymore.

He looks... like a girl too.

"What?" Rey echoes, sounding equally confused – and male. She – he instantly stills at the sound of his own voice, looking between the other two with wide eyes.

"Rey?" Finn asks, with steadily growing horror and confusion.

"What?!" Poe demands again, and BB-8 rolls closer, furiously beeping. He's saying that they were all suddenly transported out here, and their models were swapped. 'Models'. Well, yes, that's a pretty accurate description seeing that they all just got gender swapped. By a swamp.

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