Chapter 2 - Adjusting

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It's only a couple weeks after everything that happened that Obi-Wan is called to immediately come meet with Windu and Yoda, over some urgent transmission. She is not expecting it when a hologram of Satine appears on the holotable. "This is a message for Obi-Wan Kenobi," Satine says, a slightly panicked note in her voice, even if she's controlling it, "I've lost Mandalore. My people have been massacred. And Almec is now the prime minister. I can't explain everything now, but Almec has the support of the crime families. Obi-Wan, I need your help." The transmission cuts off at that, leaving Obi-Wan to her frantically spiraling thoughts.

Satine lost her planet? And Almec was supposed to be in prison, last she heard. How did he end up the prime minister again?

And it looks like she was captured at the very end of the transmission. Obi-Wan must admit to fearing about her friend's fate. But... she also notices right away that she definitely does not feel the same way she used to, towards Satine. Of course, she's still worried about her, but it's... different, and it's awkward.

"Your thoughts on this, Master Kenobi?" Windu inquires.

"Satine has been at odds with Death Watch for years, and according to a report from Padawan Tano they're no longer in leave with the Separatists," Obi-Wan answers, doing her best to consider the situation from a logical perspective. Personally, she would like nothing more than to run off and help her old friend right now, despite the awkwardness "If there was a takeover on Mandalore, it was most likely an independent act, caused by the Death Watch alone."

"Without involvement with the Separatists this is an internal affair for the Mandalorians," Windu responds, "I'm afraid we cannot help."

They can't do nothing. "We cannot just hand Mandalore over to these crime families and let Satine become a martyr," Obi-Wan protests. She still cares for her, even if they're only... friends now. And she doesn't want to sit back and do nothing, even if she understands the Council's objections.

"I'm afraid her decision to keep Mandalore neutral makes this situation difficult," Windu responds.

"Understand your feelings I do, Obi-Wan," Yoda responds, "But to take action, support from the Republic Senate we will need."

"You know what the Senate will decide," Obi-Wan protests, "They will not send aid to a neutral system." Arguing about it is pointless, but she must act.

"At this time, nothing more can we do," Yoda replies, and they drop the matter.

Obi-Wan heads out of the briefing room, still less than happy about the turn of events. This isn't something Satine will be able to handle on her own, not if Death Watch has entirely taken over the planet. She wants to intervene, but obviously, the Council won't act. Really, there's nothing they can legally do as Jedi, anyway.

But that doesn't mean there isn't anything she can do on her own. She could always intervene personally. Except it couldn't be an official Temple mission, so she could hardly take a ship from the Temple. Well... that's an easy fix. Anika should be around here somewhere, and Obi-Wan knows that she'll be willing to help.


"Can you pass me that?" Anika calls down, from where she's perched near the top of the Twilight, working on some repairs. They have more spare time than usual, since they won't be going back to the fronts until they're able to fight again, and they can't spend all day training even if they'd like to. It takes time to become accustomed to new lightsaber forms.

"Here," Ashan chirps, reaching up to pass the needed part up to her. Something he might once have been almost too small to do. It's still weird getting used to the new height differences and sizes. "How're you doing up there," he calls, a moment later.

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