Chapter 7 - The Empire Strikes Back

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Something is wrong. Lucan doesn't know how he knows it, but he does. And he also instinctively knows that it has something to do with Lukka. He can't place it, but now, he at least suspects how and why he knows. If Lukka has the Force, and their father did too, there's a high chance he has it as well, at least to a point.

No one seems to have heard from her yet, so he finally goes in search of Hanna. "Have you heard anything from Lukka?" he asks, anxiously.

"Nothing," she replies, "Why?"

"I don't know where she is. Nobody does." And Hoth is far from a hospitable environment. Anything could've happened to her out there, and he knows that she needs help.

"What do you mean 'nobody knows'?" Hanna asks.

"She hasn't said anything, and there's no way she just forgot to check in. Besides, I... have a feeling," Lucan explains.

Hanna frowns. She does not look any happier than Lucan feels right now. "Then we need to go find her. It's already getting late, and the temperature is dropping." With Lukka out in it.

Lucan couldn't agree more. Lukka must have gotten herself into some sort of trouble, because there's no other explanation for why she isn't back yet.

Sending Hanna to get an animal for them to ride, Lucan goes to find the lieutenant in charge. "If we don't come back or you don't hear from us, just lock down the base for the night," he instructs. They don't need to risk themselves because the three of them are gone. They'll figure something out on their own if they must.

"Yes, sir," the lieutenant replies, though he can tell that he's less than happy about the order.

The two of them head out, and Lucan finds that beyond the trail they're trying to follow to find her, it almost feels as though something is nudging him in the right direction. Maybe it really is the Force.


They find Lukka successfully, injured but alive. It's cold and the sun is setting, so the three of them camp out that night and return to the base the next morning. Hanna can just be glad that she's going to be alright. If they hadn't gone to find her...

She seems seriously worn out, which is unsurprising, but they don't get to stick around long, because then, command calls. A probe droid was spotted, and more than likely, that means the Empire figured out that they're here. There's no time to wait around and find out. It's time to evacuate.

And it's hardly any time after that, that the news is all over the base: there's a fleet of Star Destroyers coming out of hyperspace. They're almost out of time. She won't deny being more than a little nervous. She's certain she'll be fine, but she doesn't know about the twins.

"Hey kid," she greets, as Lukka passes by.

The younger girl stops, looking up at her.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, don't worry," she assures, hesitating a moment before turning to go.

"Be careful," Hanna warns, after a moment, "Or should I say... may the Force be with you."

"You too," Lukka says, smiling faintly for a moment.

"It already was with me, and I still don't like it."

Amusement flashes across Lukka's expression, but it fades just as quickly as everyone continues to run around the hangar in the background. She hurries past, heading for her own ship.

From Hanna's position where she works on finishing last minute repairs on the Falcon with Chewie, she can overhear Lucan talking to the assembled pilots, Lukka included.

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