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Haley pov

I was trying to get some sleep. But I really couldn't rest with all that I constantly think about. And one thing specifically I was thinking about. Rather a person.

I started to have flashbacks about our friendship more and more since my accident. And the kiss. The kiss. I had been so disturbed at first but then...
I could feel my ears warming thinking back to the touch of Vada's hands on my skin.

I had forgotten how much I cared for her. And I had almost forgotten that we knew each other before the accident. I thought acting like I forgot our friendship was going to be less painful, but I ended up just temporarily forgetting her. And now it all comes back to me all at once. And even the pain she caused.

I sighed tossing and turning in my bed still trying to calm my thoughts. When I heard a knock on my door.

"Haley uh it's been 6 times that Mia has called you. You don't want to talk to her?" My father asked

Oh yeah that.

"Give me my phone and pick it up for me, dad, thank you." I heard footsteps and my dad put my phone in my hand.

I heard him leave and the door close and I put my phone to my ear.

Phone call

"Haley! Finally ! I've been trying to call you for the past 2 weeks!"

"Hi Mia I'm sorry, I had a slight problem but I was able to read your messages."

"Slight problem? But you can read my messages. Haley what happened?"

"I had a car accident."

"Haley I know that. I mean of course I wanted you to tell me about by yourself. But I'm talking about both of us."

"How do you know.?"

"Vada told me. Seriously Haley are we okay? You've seemed a little distant to me for a while."

"Yeah. I mean you're the one who's distant. Before my accident you always canceled our plans to hang out with Vada. I am the one who should legitimately ask this question."

"What ? It's not true-"

"It is Mia. I don't trying to be rude, but you're the one who came back after days just to tell me you slept with someone."

"I'm sorry. I really am Haley. You're my closest friend and I shouldn't have treated you like that."

"It's okay Mia. I'm sorry too."

"Oh my god I didn't tell you!"

"Oh my god what???"

"Steve's girlfriend is pregnant!"

"No way! I'm surprised he has one tho"

"Yeah me too like what the f*ck. Even if I was straight..."

"ewww Steve"

"ewww Steve"

And that was how me and Mia got back to normal.

Third person pov

The Howards were all at the table. With a guest. Francis' half-sister, Lexi. Lexi was doing her higher education in New York and only came to see them very rarely. She was very busy with college and work but try to find time to see Haley especially. So when she called Francis and he told her what her daughter was going through right now. She didn't hesitate and took the first flight.

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