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Hi I'm Alexis Bloom oh well that was my name I was a writer in my past life I wrote a story called "the commoner who became a saintess" I was proud of my story the main character named Chloe Roseau she was a commoner who one day discovered she had powers after saving two kids from bandits at the age of 5. She became the heart of the town everyone loved her, at the age of 15 she entered Greenland academy where she'll meet the male lead. (You heard me correctly only one male love interest) Stefan goldfork they hit it off straight away but a story isn't the same if theirs no villan the villianess Elaina flower she fell for Stefan but he liked Chloe so she bullied her and got her brother Chrarlon bright involved and he kidnapped her just for the sake of it. But like always the main male lead saves her but the ending is different it turns out the villian siblings were being controlled by demons and were forgiven at the end. That's maybe why people didn't like my endings but oh well one day if I could Recarnate into my book let me be an extra, as if God heard he the next day I was hit by the Almighty truck-kun and got sent into my book

As the main character sister?! Lillie Roseau a character who didn't exist and she's five years older than Chloe.  Lillie had long brown hair that's straight, with eyes that are as light as the sky she has freckles all over her face and it kinda quite the opposite then Chloe who has long blonde hair that curles a bit she has green eyes that are brighter than a clover she's the happy kind of girl. I just wanted to be an extra how did this happened?!

        "Hello?.. Oh boss what is it that you need?..... Wait what do you mean my book got cancelled?! I work days and nights to write it now your telling me it's all going down the drain."" I'm truly sorry Alexis it's just people didn't like your endings with the villians people wanted them to be killed and do more evil stuff.. " "of course it doesn't have murder in it it's a child book for kids 6 or younger to let them dream of meeting a prince like person one day" I said as the people can walk sign on "Alexis I'm sorry but I got to let you go" as I was going to respond I suddenly see bright lights coming up ahead when it was still the sign for walking the next thing I knew was pain and cold my vision was blurred "hello?... Alexis you there?... Alexis.... alexis..

      When I opened my eyes to see a room I'm not familiar with I was freaking out, then I saw that I had small hands and I had different clothing 'did I Recardnate? ' I question myself I got up to look for a mirror only to find nothing but water, food, and a little pile of clothes " Alexis" huh?! I looked around but no one was here " fuhuhu oh child it's just god I granted your wish" wish what wish? Wait 'small flashback' if I could Recardnate one day I want to be an extra in my book 'flashback ends' wait you mean I'm in my book?! "Yes small child now that I granted your wish I must be going now oh by the way your Chloe sister now bye!!!" He waved then disappears "w-wait what do you mean?!?!"

Author note: just to warn who ever reads this it's a story I made up on my own and it probably won't be that good. Oh and Alexis has black hair with green eyes she always wore hoodies and sweat pants she also wears glasses any who back to the story!

"Hey Lillie come down stairs I have news" I heard a familiar voice before I knew it I this body mouth opened on its own"okay mother.. " so this is my mother now? I grew up in the orphanage I didn't know my real parents and no one wanted an 17 year old I went out went I was 18 old enough to leave..., I walked down stairs to see a beautiful women she had blonde hair with beautiful blue eyes I ran up to hug her "hello mother" I smiled at her she seemed surprised "oh Lillie dear your more happy then usually" more than usual? Than dose that mean Lillie was someone who never showed emotions" I wanted to see you mother and I suddenly wanted to smile at a lot of things any way what's the surprise? " I saw that her eyes were surprised at first then softened "ok Lillie dear the surprise it that your going to be a big sister soon" I was surprised at first then giggled " I always wanted to be a big sister can I help with the name oh please please can I help" I was jumping up and down in excitement " of course Lillie dear oh it's about dinner time would you be a dear and help me? ". She did a kindly smile " of course mother I really want to help you after all"  everyone was smiling at that moment after eating I was laying in my bed well mattress by my mother then it hit me "oh by the way your Chloes sister"


The end of chapter 1.

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