ch 2

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I just wanted to be an extra!!

Why did this happen all I wanted is to be an extra in my story. I mean I'm not mad at being my Chloe is my adorable sister but I planned to not get involved with the main characters

I suppose I'm 5 right now so I should start getting ready to enter the academy kids age 6 starts going to the academy and graduate at 18, they learn about a lot of this like the history, magic, creature's. And basically a lot of stuff I'll be upset to not be able to see my mother but I'll visit her during breaks and send a lot of letters I said in a determin mind set I see that mothers still asleep I quietly went down stairs I wanna make breakfast for mother "damn tiny body of mine" I had to get a stool

As I was making breakfast I heard mother coming down stairs "ah Lillie if you wanted breakfast you should've woken me up" I put down a plate for her and shook my head "no mother you need more rest then me and I wanted to cook for you" I smiled at her

"Fuhuhu my little girl is the best thanks for breakfast dear" she sat down than eggs it was something simple like bacon and eggs "hey mom I have something to ask" I said to her " hmm what's up sweetie? " she had a confused face "can I go to the academy next year since I'll be 6 right?" I said shyly I noticed she put her fingers to her chin "maybe you know how long it will take you hardly will see your family and it all hard stuff" I looked down at my legs "but sure if you want to study I don't see why not" I then looked at her like a dog wagging it's tail happily.

"Really mom! Thank you thank you thank you" I hugged her tightly "I promise I'll do my hardest to get good grades and make you proud" she laughed " I'm always proud of you your my beautiful daughter " that day we giggled a lot

A year later

"Mom I'll be off now" a few months went by my hair grew to my shoulders and my little sister was born I may just wanted to be an extra but I love my little sister to death " ok just be careful you are always welcomed back here any time" she sasi with a 1 year old Chloe waving and giggling 'oh how I love them' I said with a hmph face

When I got to the academy well it's an enter exam but I'm hoping to get in "haha a poor girl hoping to get in" I heard a girl with blue hair with pink eyes " where did she get those clothes a dumpster " another one said with pink hair with green eyes. I rolled my eyes at them and continue my way in 'I don't care what people say to me as a lot as they don't say that to my Chloe it fine'

As I entered the class room I saw that their were other people I chose the empty seat with no one around'alright Lillie you can do this other wise you stayed up late to study for nothing' I was determined when they passed out the paper I saw that is was surprisingly easy I thought it was a lot harder

A few minutes later I was finished but I double check just to be sure I busted turned it in just to not be in the class anymore, as I was walking around "hey you girl!' I looked around to see a boy with blonde hair boy with purple eyes " huh yeah what do you need?" I said to the boy "your the commoner girl right your not going to last long" he smirked I did a ugh faces to him.

" ok so what if I'm a commoner the only difference between me and you is house and money wise other than that we are both humans, people we both eat sleep and play I don't know who you are but I know that your a big jerk" I huffed

I noticed a big crowd around us many 6 year old or older I blushed in embarrassment but some clapped for me then I moved through the crowd and went into my temporary home they provided for everyone.

The next day the text results for the written test are posted I looked for my number #1054 "haha looks like the commoner didn't get in" I didn't care for her I continue to look for my number than I felt a hand on my shoulder "hey commoner girl why are you looking down there? You got first" I turned to him confused then I looked and he was right the mean girl had a shock face "h-how did you do that I b-bet the teachers felt bad for you that's it haha" she looked crazy just then the dude from earlier said " you look crazy and the teachers never take pitty no matter what" the mean girl stomped off..

"Uh hey thanks I'm Lillie Roseau what's your name" I questioned him he just had a emotionless face "I'm jade blackthorn" then he walked off while I realised who he was he was the apart of the blackthorn family, they are a family know to be close to a dragon.

  In this world it has three kindom Greenvale, Yuriana, clover, and diamond they all lived in Harmony until a war happened and stuff. Than a dragon appeared and made the war Dissaper the family that is closes to the dragon is the yuriana family

!?Wait I didn't want to get involved! !?

That's the end of chapter 2 hoped you enjoyed ^^

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