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I will destroy her

We see a beautiful girl with green hair and purple eyes in a purple dress she had a annoyed face on "ughh what's so special about her I'm more prettier I'm the most beautiful woman in the capital why does everyone like her"

Her name is Rose Diamond the second daughter of the Nobel diamond

Rose didn't like lillie because she likes Felix the crown prince but he thought of her as a no good insect but he's all puppy like with the second princess of Yuriana he never went to parties and if he did he never danced with anyone or stayed long(lillie doesn't know that)

Rose threw the vase at one of the maids and storms to her room shes to expression of "every pretty flowers have thorns" she just has more than thorns.

Anyways back to lillie

After the animal incident father has become more protective what surprised me was my sister.

"Lillie if anyone hurts you again tell me, I'll kill them for you" she said with a evil smile I was surprised than my brother the third prince "no arien that's not right" I sighed in relief "I'll do it I don't want your hands to get messy" my eyes we're white and my mouth hung open the second prince shuts my mouth and smiled 'this family is crazy' I thought in my head

One day I got a invitation to a tea party I was surprised but happy this was my first letter (cuts to a scene of the boys burning engagement request letters) I quickly run to fathers office and knocked when I heard him say come in "papa I got an invitation to a tea party can I please go papa" she had a puppy face on

Father couldn't handle the adorable face "fine but please bring two knights you know it's for your safety" lillie was to excited and agreed she than hugged her father and gave him kisses on his cheeks(oh you know he's going to brag about it later) and left with a smile on her face

*cut to a scene of the father bragging to his sons about what happened*

The maids got lillie ready in a white dress with a green coat like thing with it with a red bow on her dress

The maids got lillie ready in a white dress with a green coat like thing with it with a red bow on her dress

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(Picrew art again)

The maids thought of her as an angle as they finished dressing her up "thank you girls for helping me get ready" lillie smiled at them, the maids almost fainted from cuteness

When they got outside the brothers saw lillie leaving and went towards her in their minds they didn't want their sister to leave because of how cute she is and was afraid she might get kidnapped "hey lillie" the third prince said "take this to protect you if the knights cant" he handed her a dagger lillie just took it but will leave in with her knights because people might frame her.

She got in the carriage and left, she soon got to the house where the tea party being held one of the knights announced "lillie Yuriana arrived" she soon walked in and she was the center of attention 'ugh you people are good to me just because I'm a princess your all fake b**chs" she thought in her head while smiling on the outside she had a sip of her tea 'mh delicious I love tea' (we see a chibi lillie enjoying tea) all the ladies just talked about the drama happening in the kingdom "oh speaking of which didn't lillie danced with Felix greenWood on her first debut at 8?" I almost spit out my tea how do you remember that was 7 years ago I screamed in my head "your right dont the prince not go to parties or danced with anyone? " wait... WHAT you didn't danced with anyone else... Curse you Felix I'm now the center of attention more... "Oh hehe I'm pretty sure it was nothing" I said nervously the ladies just continue to talk 'thank you Marie'

Just like that the tea party ended and lillie went home tired the maids ran her a bath as lillie sunk in the water that had rose petals in it

"I hate being the center of attention all the eyes watching your every move waiting until you mess up and mock you"

'We see a flashback of lillie/Alexis in a orphanage "

The owners were really nice to anyone but the didn't like me the most every time someone do something wrong they would blame Alexis, in the backroom of the orphanage their was a cell for bad kids and you can say every kids were almost beaten to death and they could tell no one "you stupid orphans taking all the money why can't you do anything right?!" We see a drunken older man whipping children

"Flashback over"

Lillie didn't know she was crying but quickly stop her tears and than the maids came in and dry her she soon was in her pink nightgown and sat on her bed that had a bunch of stuff animals 'I'm happy to have this family even if they are a bit crazy" lillie just giggled and fell asleep

The next day she got a gift from Felix came it was a dragon egg 'hehe it's cute how he keeps sending me gifts but it's scary how he gets his hands on theses like how did you get a dragon egg?!?!" I kept it in a safe place he's adorable hehe

Before I knew it I had started writing letters to him back and forth I sent him some drawings I drew of him (little did lillie know he framed all of them) and small talk here and there I told him I'll name the dragon egg jade because of the egg shell color (it's black) I giggled and fell asleep while the egg was on a pillow

When I was younger (11) I told my dad I wanted to practice wielding a sword and he surprisely said alright

These swords are nothing you weakling

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