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  I will always protect you lillie

Its been 3 months after that incident lillie had been practicing her magic without anyone knowing but her magic has improved a lot her ice magic can last 5 hours now, she can also use light, earth, and her fire is stronger.
                 7 years later

The butler knocked on the door, out came a taller lillie she grew to be an beauty (you can not believe how many proposals she received her father and 3 older brothers burned them)

   "Hmm oh hi Dave you need something?" The 15 year old lillie asked
The butler mind was of how time flies "it's time for dinner my lady" lillie smiled and said thank you as she went down with a light yellow dress with blue patterns "hello father, brothers sister" she said as she sat down

"Hello lillie how was your sleep" arien grew up as a beautiful lady lillie sat beside her "I slept well how about you" lillie smiled "hey talk to us as well " we see arjen a little upset "hehe hello arjen how are you" she smiled at him he grew up as well lillie couldn't Pat his head anymore but he would get on his needs if she wanted to.

Over the years my father and brother were protective I mean I couldn't sneak out to Felix anymore without anyone knowing but I could still send him letters and we could spend time together (but I had to have a knight everywhere I go the pain of having a protective family)

"Father can I go out tomorrow I've been wanting a pet while arien and Arjen has the red fox" she had a pouty face the king had a thinking face on and sighs"ok you can go out tomorrow " lillie cheered "but you'll have to bring a knight" her smile went down a little but decided to go with a knight "ok father" he had a little frown"you used to call me papa where did this father come from" lillie blushed "ok p-papa" we can see the father smile beaming with light around him

  The next day the maids got me ready 'ooo I can't wait I've been wanting a pet for awhile' she was wearing a red dress with yellow patterns on it, as me and sir simon we went to the pet store (of course in disguises people would act nice to me because I'm the second princess of this kingdom.) Anyways when we got in it was terrible we saw animals that looked like skeletons and some were dead sir simon asked why the animals looked like that the owner was a drunken and he starved the animals while using the money for more beer. Let's just saw lillie almost burnt him alive because of anger.

The next day all the animals were sent to the kingdom and the drunk man was executed for hurting the 2nd princess and other stuff lillie took care of the animals over the few days they got there at first they were scared but eventually the warmed up to her and they become healthy as ever of course she asked for vets sometimes but she basically rescued them..

   The news went around talking about how the second princess saved a whole bunch of animals from the crazy drunk dude who has starved them and such they believe that their princess was a very kind person and will save anything in her power. The next day she basically became snow White with all the animals (dogs, cats, a white tiger, a lion, and birds) she asked her father to build a place for all them and he did( of course he did he loved his daughter a lot) she goes out to them every day now feeds them, give them water and some medicine sometimes give them baths (the maids said they could do it but lillie said it's fine let just say the maids though she was an angel).

She also gave the exercise by playing with them, walking them, and more oh let's not forget about Angie and Chloe lillie sends them letters twice a month she still though of them as her family.

Anyway a few days ago I saw in a book(it was a fantasy book) these people could summon a spirit I jokingly drew a medium circle with a weird design and a drop of blood and said 

Oh might spirits please listen to me and come forth

Thinking nothing would happen but a bright light appeared and a yellow cat appeared floating 'what the- I thought spirits weren't real but this story is a fantasy book after all' the yellow cat opened it eyes and saw lillie and happily floats twords her "hello human that summon me I'm kasier the light spirit what's your name" the spirit talked it talked!?! "U-um I'm lillie Yuriana the second princess of Yuriana I'm sorry for summoning you I just saw it in a book and wanted to try it" the cat spirit just had a happy smile "I know that child but it's fine it's been a century since I've been summon so thanks to that I'm free and I'll serve you until you don't need me" kasier said lillie said ok and that's how lillie got her spirit

  Somewhere else
"Ugh why does he like her so much it should be me he likes why rise Felix like lillie she uglier than me I'm the most beautiful woman of the entire kindom of the hearts but than this lillie appeared and became the talk of town"

                 I will destroy her

Hello the author here I made lillie and Felix dancing in picrew to bad their weren't a green color for the outfits but it's still adorable

Anyways I hope you all are enjoying this book and have a good day/night/evening

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