ch 4

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I'll enjoy this life now

It has been a couple of months since I Recardnated in my story, and I've gotten a hang of my magic, jades in my water magic class so I'm happy

"Maybe I should make other friends I have jade maybe there's this one girl named blue in my fire class she's beautiful as flower fields"

When fire class came around I sat by blue "hi I'm lillie your blue right? " she just nodded her head "super dude and yeah I'm blue you want to be friends" yes another friend "sure" I smiled at her she did the same

" hi jade how have your classes been" I asked him "nothing out of the usual you" he looked at me and said "I made a new friend her name is blue and she's in my fire class"

( If you forget lillie got both water and fire)

"Ah so I'm not your only friend anymore that's good" he said in a monotone voice as usual "yeah I'm so happy"

That's how our the rest our classes went

Jade pov:

Hm she made another friend that's good but I was her first hmp (oh jade has fluffy black hair with yellow eyes he dresses fancy)

I saw lillie walked to a girl with blue hair 'is this her new friends? Ha she looks like a blueberry'

After lillie walked away I walked up to her "oi blueberry I was lillie first friend so be aware"

Blue tick and smirked "ok and I'm her friend now so no" she has a angry face while smiling

The two Bickered back and forth

Back to lillie pov

Achoo why do I feel someone talking about me probably nothing

I turned to my tiger"hey Rosey wanna go on a walk?" She roared happily as a yes "ok come on" I smiled

As we walked outside for a bit I saw the blonde hair boy from the beginning getting hit by others 'huh why is he getting bullied?' I questioned myself "haha what a loser couldn't live up to your family name" a boy with brown hair said "what a loser" a girl with black hair also said.

Ugh "oi get away from him" I said walking towards them "huh ahh it's the girl with the tiger run" they both run away like dogs with a tale between their legs "huh? Never mind are you okay" I asked the boy, he looked surprised then went back to normal "what is it you stupid commoner" ugh why did I help him again you know what let's heal him.

As I chanted a water healing spell his wounds went away (yes water can heal) "bye" I said in Annoyed tone he sat there in a case until I said bye "w-wait u-um thank you lillie" he had a bit of a blush on his cheeks and ran off "huh? That was weird like Rosey? " she roared in agreement then we continue our walk.

In water magic class the next day

"Ok class today were having a test but we also have the light class will join us please give them a pleasure welcome"
The classes all bowed and sat back down 'I'm so excited to see jade ' just the light magic class came in and I saw jade he saw me to and decided to sit next to me.

Without lillie seeing blue and jade were glaring at jade while he did the same

"Ok students let's get ready then go outside" the class went into the lockers to get ready I wore a red short sleeve shirt and shorts with my hair up then went out with the others.

"Ok students the test is to see where your powers at and only water is allowed since this is the water class afterall" the class all agreed "ok class you can pick your partner " uh blue you want to be my partner? " she nodded her head for a sure.

After a couple of fights "ok lillie and blue your next " don't go easy on me" I said to her while smirking "heh I was thinking the same thing" soon our fight happened she attacked I blocked,

What I didn't noticed that she did a sneak attack and it accidentally hit my leg causing it to break "a-ahhh!? My leg" I was screaming in pain everyone was shocked so was blue jade came running to me I used him to stand up the teacher was shocked "o-ok class the class ids over today jade please take her to the nurses office" jade glared at blue I was just in pain "i-im sorry lillie please I didn't mean for that to happen please forgive me!!!!?!? "

I couldn't hear her but I passed out from the pain, later I woke up in the nurses bed "oh dear your already up that's good, those teachers need to be easy with kids these days 'sighs' oh your friend was really worried he brought you here in a rush"

'My friend? Oh JADE?!' "Uh where is jade? " I asked the nurse then he pointed to my side I was confused until I turned I saw jade in the bed cuddling me 'huh?!?! ' I swore I was turning into 50 shades of red

I could hear the nurse giggling "ah he was really worried and he wouldn't leave your side" I chuckled as I ran my hands through his hair 'he's adorable' I felt my cheeks heating up "thanks for being by my sides jade"

I'm glad be friends with you

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