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       I'm glad to be with you

It's been a few weeks since the incident me and blue aren't on speaking terms anymore when I wrote to my mom I didn't tell her about what happened that day.

   Jade has been protective kinda when blue comes around he walks me to the opposite way "haha jade it's fine" I swear he's like a grumpy cat but yeah I've been fine since then my leg healed in 5 days thanks to the nurse.

    The other students have been avoiding blue since the incident that happened I feel kinda bad for her but im not ready to accept her apologies yet.....

     'Can lillie Roseau come to the office please ' I was confused but got up anyways, I went to the office and knocked on the door 'come in' I heard and walked in 'hello lillie as you know you have the highest grades in your grade I would like you to accept this reward" he held up a paper with my name on it "I will thank you' I went off after that..

    'I got recognised as a straight a student' you could see the stars in my eyes 'I'm really happy'

    A few weeks later it's getting closer to the end of the school year (you might be wondering why is this going to fast well because I want it to)
    Next year I'm going to be 7 if work was this easy I'll be getting straight A's for a long time hehe " hmm I wonder what my classes will be like next year" I questioned myself as I pet Rosey I love her

    Another few weeks later

"Bye jade remember to send letters got it" I smiled at him "yeah. I will well see yah" just like that we said our good byes

        "I CAN'T wait to see Chloe I missed her and mom" I was on the train the school year was over with and now I'm going to spend time with my family I already sent mom a letter saying I'm coming home

  4 hours later

I'm outside my house 'knock knock' I heard shuffling inside and the door opened "lillie! Oh how I missed you but I'm not the only one Chloe come here" I heard tiny patters "mummy? Whs twat" I laughed at her mispronouncing "Chloe this is your big sister lillie" she looked confused "swissy??" Then she looked like a happy puppy then I was tackled by her "swissy iwv mwis yu" hehe she's adorable she already grew a lot since I left "Chloe sweety time to get off her she needs to get unpacked" as Chloe got off she pouted she's so adorable thank you God for letting me be her sister.

    Some where else "hmm I think someone's talking about me oh well your welcome random child" he completely forgot about lillie

After getting unpacked I helped mother with cooking yeah I know I'm 6 but I can still help and cook .

    "Swissy pway wit mw" oh she's so adorable, "ok ok give me a second" after a few secs I went to play with her I gave her a piggyback ride and then played some more.

     And just like that my break was already over with the day I was leaving I could see Chloe crying for me while mom was hugging her

We celebrated my 7th birthday 5 weeks ago  I'm ready for this year we could get more magic to learn I haven't forgiven blue but I think I can soon but I miss jade the most we sent letters back and fourth.

Jade pov

'Before the new year starts'

Lillie letter is here again hmm I wonder what she wrote "to jade blackthorn, I hope your break is going great I've been playing with my baby sister a lot oh I celebrated my birthday yesterday I turned 7 anyway I'll stop writing now bye. From your friend Lillie Roseau" heh looks like shes having a good time I heard a know on my door "come in" I turned to see my father Cedric "foods ready" I nodded than got up "but before that can I know who your messaging back and forth?" Why is my father asking "it's a friend from school her name is lillie Roseau" he looked surprised then smiled than ruffled my hair "good for you, you made a friend" I sighed then we both went down to eat

Back to lillie pov
  When I got of the bus I already went to my dorm to unpack Rosey was already sleeping on her spot 'I wonder if jade is here yet' I questioned myself.

   I went to get my schedule for this year as I went I could see familiar blue hair that was hanging out with a boy with fluffy hair and wearing glasses I just walked by them I was out of their sight 'sigh' why did I have to almost run into her I mean she's not a bad person and all that but I'm not ready to face her yet "oi lillie stop spacing out" I heard a familiar voice I turned around to see it was "JADE!!!" I ran up and hugged him "ok ok you don't got to hug me when ever you see me" I let go of him and just giggled "I know but I missed you hehe" he just sighed "anyway let's go get our schedule together" he grabbed my hand.

               Let's go get our schedules

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