ch 11

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These swords are nothing you weakling

When I started the instructor was nice I had a knight watching far a week and left after it, but then he showed his true colors, yelling and purposely bruising me where I can cover them up.

   "Stupid brat can't ever hold a sword, might've been because you lived with stupid commoners"

And it kept going on, I didn't let the maids bathe me anymore not wanting to report to dad I need to get stronger not wanting to be protected forever..
(It's been 7 months since she been training)

   Arien and arjen pov

It's been awhile since lillie hung out with them, since she's been busy with training with the sword. When they see lillie she just turn away and go to her room arien was worried and went to arjen

  "Hey arhen, have you noticed lillie has been distance lately. I swear something has happened" arien whined to her twin

He hmmed "now that you mention it she has I hope shes ok lets go ask father if we can go watch her training" he smiled and ruffled her head

Arien smiled and agreed, as they walked to their father office.


Back to lillies pov

We see lillie panting with bruises all over her face and arms.

"Ughhh one thing I hate about commoners they are useless, and how they can't handle simple practice" he kicked lillie to the side while digging the wooden sword into her side. Lillie whined from the pain and she soon started to cry from it.

"Oh dear sane you stupid commoners always crying, how about I give you something to cr-" before he could continue his words he was slammed to the floor by someone.

  That person was "T-Third brother?!?! " lillie shrieked at her brother in surprised she looked to see her whole family here "w-what are you all doing here?! " she questioned them, soon her sister hugged her "y-you idiot why didn't you tell anyone" she started crying "i-im sorry I was so scared and I didn't want anyone to protect me w-when I'm so weak" I soon cried with her.

  After that that dude was not seen since than lillie has was fully healed after treating it for a few weeks, lillie still learned swordman ship but her brothers was watching closely  so she doesn't get hurt this time or ever again.

   Somehow the news spreaded and I got a visit from a worried Felix asking if I was alright and stuff and since than been sending me gifts that brings us to now


As I grew up my family was getting protective, the egg has been cracking from time to time oh well.  My father built me a rose garden for my 9th birthday because I said I liked them then he went out to spend his money on a rose garden my three older brothers spoiled my closet with beautiful dresses, sister arjen and brother arjin they went and got her a library for her own (yes they spoil her)

  Just then I heard a knock on my door "miss lillie you got a letter" a letter? "Bring it in please" the opened the door and handed to me 'hmm I wonder who's this is from.

           Who's Chris Baron?

Sorry the stories are going to shorter now since I had writer block from time to time and I got school bye! ~

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