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         !?Wait I didn't want to get involved! !?

       "Sighs" ok so far I'm Chloe sister and met the most important side character he's the descendent of the ancient dragon but no one hardly remembers that only elders do and the Royal Family.

     'Okay let's head to the next text' I said quick and went to the   classroom
( if your confused the academy has 2 classes one is the written text then to test your magic)

     It was time to check what magic we fot

       " oi you little brats shut up let's just get this class over with ok the first one is Lillie Roseau hurry up and do it" a man with a eye patch he's about 54 a red eye and funky clothing "ok? " I just walked up there confused there was a big white orb with a big stand 'ok all I need to do put my hand on it I got' I breathe and put my hand on the orb it glowed blue "ok you got wat-" before he could continue it flawed red " wait a commoner getting two magic types is not possible are you really a commoner girl" huh I was confused why did I get two I'm not the main character "y-yeah I'm just a commoner how did this happen?! " the class broke out in a Whispereing mess he cough to get the class attention "hmhm well we can't do anything about it let's continue now brats" after a few students I heard a familiar name " oi jade blackthorn is your turn" the angry teacher said jade sighed " ok" and walked up their it glowed blue then white just like in the original storyline "that's all now get out of my classroom you brats"

        That was the end of the day were getting our assigned our classes a few days

   Now we see a beautiful woman with blonde hair and blue eyes (the mother) she was wearing a beautiful light blue dress, she was reading a letter from her daughter Lillie who went to the academy entering exam.
        "Hey mom it lillie- " it switched over to Lillie pov" I got accepted into the academy I was surprised at first but8ut I'm really happy Apairly I got first in the writen exam and I can control water and fire everyone was surprised that a commoner got more than one powers, I told you I'll I'll be a daughter who will make you proud even if you're already proud of me for me until next time
             From your daughter "

    Angie looked at the letter proud of how far her daughter grew up and came to be
"Oh Lillie I'm always proud of you" she chuckled while looking at a baby basket that's currently empty that had a card in it with the name Lillie written on it and a letter that already was opened it said " I can't take care of her right now when she turns 5 give her this pendent it will protect her" Angie sighed sadly "I already give her the pendent and she wears it but she's my daughter now I don't want anyone to take her away" " flashback of Lillie smiling and laughing"

       "I won't let her get taking away" she said confidently

       Back to Lillie pov
    "After a few days i finally got my classes"
There's a total of 7 classes when have 4 basic classes like math, science, reading, and social studies then I have fire magic class also water magic class then finally beast summoning class

      "I hope I could make friends other than jade"
          Oh while waiting for the classes I became friends with jade (how it happened)

    "Oh hi jade right want to become friends!"
He looked at her like she was nothing "no"
    This happened a few more times then one day she stopped showing up at first jade like the silent but then soon got upset for a bit he soon went looking for her
        He soon found her in a tree reading
"Oi Lillie why did you suddenly stopped showing up"
She looked at him surprised "oh I just thought you wanted to be alone and didn't want to be friends so I stopped asking hehe"
         He looked at like normal then mumbled something under his breath
  Lillie wonder what he said " I'm sorry what did you say? "
He looked at her with a slight blush (embarrassed blush) " I said I'll be your friend " as soon as Lillie heard that she climbed down and hugged him

     "Yay I'm excited to be your friend" I smiled and let go "hehe" he just sighed "yeah ok well see you later" "bye jade" we waved bye to each other.

                 Back to the present

I found my first four classes easy but the fire and water magic seems to bit more difficult than the rest I mean I never practice magic before so.....
         After taking notes for the fire and water magic classes, it was time for creatures summoning class I wonder what I'll summon when I got to the class I saw jade alone litterly nobody behind or in front of him and neither to the sides either when I sat down by him he must of heard the seat moved by him because he looked up from his book.

    "Hi jade hope you don't mind me sitting here I don't know anyone else hehe" I laughed nervously he just nodded for me to sit,
    After a few minutes the teacher came in "okay new and old students today you are going to try summoning a creature it can be based off of you so if you don't like the creature well good luck it's stuck with you for the rest of your life"

  Ok so the creature we summon is based on us got it after a few people went there was a giant snake, a lion, a few lizards, and a lot more were summoned.

    "Jade blackthorn your turn all you need to do is cut your finger let it drip on this paper and say "I jade thorn sommon the creature that represent me"

  After jade repeated what the teacher said a black baby dragon appeared on his shoulder

  The teacher had a shock face then he fixed his glasses and cough "o-ok you can sit back down let's see ah Lillie Roseau your turn" as you walked down you could hear people whispering about how you might get a baby chick or something I already got down there and the teacher explains again.

   As I cut my finger the blood fell onto the paper

    "I.. Lillie Roseau sommon the creature that represents me"

The moment I said that smoke spilled the room again then as it fades away I saw a white tiger with 3 eyes all you could say was "oh my Lord it's so adorable I'm naming you Rosey your so beautiful" and a lot more then the lesson continues I saw jade dragon leaning towards me so I patted him which he started to purr just then everyone creature came running towards me and I was surrounded by all adorable creatures I was laughing as their owners came to get them back

  Class ended and it was time to head back to the dorms "hey Lillie" I heard a monotone voice behind me and I saw it was jade " oh hi jade what's up? " before he could answer I was tackled down by his dragon I was soon getting licked by his dragon. I started giggling "haha hi buddy" he reminded me of a puppy and jade reminds me of a cat "h-hey bud get off her " he got the dragon off of me and helped me up" I'm sorry for him let me make it up by walking you to your dorm" I agreed and we walked to my dorm and said good bye..

                    I enjoy this life now


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