ch 8

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I don't mind not being an extra now hehe

   After 2 months it was mine, arien, and Arjen debute (I'm making the first debute for kids at the age of 8 but their official debute it when kids turn 16)

  We see the maids running around the hallways

   Lillie was getting ready well the maids were dressing her up, we see her in a beautiful light green dress with white ruffles on it she's wearing a necklace with emeralds in it

    We could see the maids dying of cuteness saying "Ahhh!!! My lady your so adorable!!!"" SO cute!!" And more

   As Lillie got done she went out to see her brother and sister arien and Arjen.

   "Brother Arjen sister arien, hi hehe" she ran up and hugged them they hugged back

Arjen felt uncomfortable in his shoes so he asked to get another pair and he changed them Lillie necklace felt heavy so she asked to them to take it off

   Than the party started and the guest started to turn up and greet them

   It was kinda boring but Lillie just waited for Felix

Just than I saw him

  "Greetings the sun of the Yuriana kingdom I'm Felix Greenwood I've brought gifts for the fourth prince and the 2 princesses"

I smiled at him than my sister danced with Jason so I got up and went to felix, he smiled I lifted my dress a bit and bow a bit and he bow as well

  "Hello Lillie would you give me the honor to have this dance" he held out his hand and I took it "it'll be an honor Felix" we both had smiles on our hands as we dance

  The older brothers and father only glared they were the only daughters of the family

Back to Lillie "hey you kept to your promise your wearing light green hehe"

He only smiled at her "I guess I did you look beautiful Lillie" he had a slight blush on his face and a slight smile

Lillie was a bit shocked with a little blush but soon had a bright smile on her face "well thank you Felix your quite handsome today as well"

     Just like that the song ended while both bowed again Lillie went back to her seat.

             A couple minutes later

Lillie and the twins that are her siblings were talking until a black fog surround them arien was safe but Lillie and arjen were taken....

Arien was surrounded by a bright light just then the kids their ages rushed in wondering what happened.

We see arien crying as the rest of the family rushed in to her side.

   "I-i don't know what happened why was I protected and no them" the father comforts her

"I didn't realize that arjen would switch his shoes and for Lillie to take off her necklace" the second prince said

  *to Lillie and arjen location*

We see a older looking man with green hair that looked ugly Lillie was passed out while arjen was up

"What did you do to her why did you take up" arjen was angry

The man just laughed "O ho i getting revenge on your father"

Arjen was mad at him and stood protective in front of lillie

The man had a evil look on his face as he had a whip

Lillie woke up after a few minutes just to see a unknown place and saw her brother getting whipped "b-brother!!??" Just than her water magic turned to ice and froze to old man legs and hands

"L-let my brother go" she was feeling cold and tired her ice defrosted and he stomped over to her and whipped her and her body rolled over a Little bit

You could see the angry in his eyes before he could continue whipping her the wall suddenly crumbles and the half  open eyes of Lillie could see a blurry person with blonde hair and saw a blurry person that has white hair and than she passed out...

When she woke up she was hurting a bit and she saw bandages wrapped around her, she than noticed Felix sleeping by her side just like when she first got hurt "hehe ja- no Felix thank you for being by my side" she ruffled his hair

He felt something on his head and noticed Lillie was awake he was shocked but pulled her into a gently hug so he doesn't hurt her "I was so worried you didn't wake up for 4 weeks" you could see tears coming down his face

Lillie was shocked "f-four weeks!!!??" She couldn't believe his words wait is arjen ok? Where is he?! "Where's arjen?!?" Lillie was worried than she heard "I'm ok sis but I'm more worried about you" Lillie turned to to see arjen at the doorway Lillie eyes teared up she than smiled "big brother" she wanted to hugged him he soon went to her side and than hugged her "i-i was so scared you were hurt a-and--" she was crying into his shoulder he was comforting her

   I will always protect you lillie

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