Chapter 6

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"Hi Cassie, I'm Miss Welker, don't worry you're in the right place, we've been expecting you," she edged out of the way for me to come in, smiling encouragingly.

Afraid to even breathe with the amount of eyes locked on me every time I moved, I slowly stepped in the room.

"Yes, so Cassie, welcome to the Romat Center, this is where all drama classes take place, now seeing as you've joined later on in the year, you'll be joining a different class, which is going at a better pace so you can catch up with the work, is that ok?" so I wearily smiled and gave a gentle nod. "Great! Now, I'll just show you to where your room is."

Walking across the room, I felt all eyes on us, as we made our way to a door. She didn't hesitate and quickly opened the door and walked through, expecting me to follow. She didn't stop to tell the class to stay quiet whilst she was gone - she made no attempt even.

As we went through the door, we entered a small hallway with cream carpet and dark wood walls. It was small but cosy, and was only short, but felt long, in anxiousness to meet yet another new class.

We had only taken a few steps and that's when we reached another door, she stopped abruptly, and if she hadn't of stopped I would of never realized there was a door there. It was camouflaged into the walls of the hall; it even had a dark brown handle.

"So this is your new class, it's a rather small one, and a bit loud.. anyway, I'm sure you'll fit in great! Welcome to Drama Cassie." Then she walked away from me, with her long, blonde curls swishing behind her.

I stood there, confused, completely and utterly confused. She didn't even introduce me to the class, more to the point; she seemed just as nervous about the class as I did. On one hand she made them seem like any normal class, but as she wandered of, she said they were loud and a small class.

But the only way to truly find out what this class was like - was to meet them. So I took a deep breath, braced myself, and opened the door.

Opening the door, I heard the class fall into silence, the teacher breathing out a sigh of relief.

However as I came into view, (just a student which they need not worry about telling them off) they carried on talking- no not talking, more like running wild.

Some were literally running about, screaming and laughing as they tried to catch one another, rubbish was everywhere; some were sitting down chatting in groups.

She was right, it was a small class, but even for a small class they were still a very loud and active one at that.

I glanced around looking for any possible authority in the room, but no one was in sight.

I was about to walk into the room, when out of the corner of my eye, through a plastic window, I spotted a teacher hidden away in a room, doing paperwork.

I walked over to the door to the room and knocked a couple of times. She didn't turn around, not even a glance or a hint of curiosity to who could be at the door.

I knocked again, louder - for longer, but she still didn't turn around.

I ended up hammering on the door, getting frustrated I was near to barging in, when I heard a voice call out to me.

"She won't answer," it was a boy's voice. It was loud and clear over the noise, instantly the room was silenced.

Power was flowing of him.

Turning around, I spotted the owner of the voice instantly. People started to turn and look at me.

He was sitting down at the teacher's desk, with his legs resting on the counter of the desk. It wasn't a desk as such, it looked old and battered no sign of equipment or books were on it. Not even a coffee mug. No teacher to even indicate it was the teacher's desk. However, there the owner of the voice sat. His face looking directly at me.

He had black hair, it was pushed back of his face, to the side,naturaly wavy and very smooth looking - this must be what all girls see up close, to make you want to comb your hands through it, to see if its just as thick and silky as it looks. Crystal blue eyes- they must be what pull the girls in at first sight, which would probably narrow down on you as he stared you down, rosy plump lips - these must be what charm the girls.

He looked handsome, and sly, but at the same time he looked wild and fun. Something all girls look for in a boy.

"I thinks it kinda important that she does," my voice was bold, although I didn't feel it, I couldn't help but come across confident.

Slowly, he got up out of the chair, pushing it back so it hit the wall behind him. As he walked, his face stern and menacing, I could see his fists clench.

I gulped.

"And why do you think that?" He asked walking closer and closer to me, so I edge back into the door.

Every ones eyes followed his footsteps, step by step, it was as if time had slowed.

He had every ones attention, everyone knew him, immediately I could tell, everyone wanted him. Even me? I barely knew him. However I had the disadvantage of not knowing who 'him' is, but also the fact that I may become his new enemy.

"I uh..I'm the new student," I stuttered out. Cover blown, back to old stuttering me. It's always situations like this which make my nerves clatter, and my palms sticky.

"And what might be your name?" he asked, crossing his arms as his icy blue eyes narrowed down on me.

I felt about 5 years old, back in the garden when I ran across some plants, I just remember my dad's face sauntering above me and telling me of, especially seeing as 'how much work he'd put into the garden just the day before'. But then he gently knelled down, becoming my height, dusted of the mud from my hands, and told me I should be more careful but it's ok.

Unfortunately, I had the feeling that whoever this boy was, he would not be as caring as my dad had been.

"Its Cassie," I smiled wearily. Looking around at the audience I felt so nervous I wanted to run out the room and never come back in.

"Well nice to meet you Cassie, I'm Sam, and welcome to Drama," he smiled brightly, and slouched back, his eyes softening, as a broad hand stretched out as an invitation to shake. Well that's what I thought he wanted.

But as my hand met his, he pulled me closer and launched a heavy arm around my shoulder.

"Everyone Cassie," his smile grew, if that was even possible, "And Cassie," He turned to me, gently draping his arm other my shoulders.

"This is the best group of people you will ever meet in your life."

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