A normal game of Spin-The-Bottle

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(You are Jacob. from Drawfee. please keep this in mind)

The game is fairly tense, right off the bat. The players? You, a sentient lemon, and a button that would set off armageddon.

The game had been the button's idea. "Come on, itll be fun!", the button said.
Just spin-the-bottle to have a bit of fun, right?
Well, it WOULD be, if the button wouldnt create nuclear warfare when pressed... and not just because it would set off the entire world's missile supply.
Lemon, your good friend of many years, had already confessed to you in private about having a HUGE crush on the button.

Like, HUGE crush.

If you ended up kissing the button, Lemon would be heartbroken.

Its your job to start the game off. So you get the bottle spinning, hoping it lands on Lemon so that the world (and your friendship) are saved.
The missile silo the button is stationed in is completely silent as you watch the bottle in anticipation.
(Oh right, you had to do this in a missile silo so the button could play.)

You start sweating. Its slowing down, and with your luck, itl land on the button. You really, REALLY dont want to kiss the button.
Suddenly, Bruce Willis swings the door open, shouting "NOOOO!!" and sprinting towards you.
The bottle comes to a stop. It's pointing at...
Bruce Willis! He stepped in the way of the bottle, protecting the world from destruction and keeping you from developing unwanted feelings for a button!
Releived, you don't quite realise you still have to kiss Bruce Willis. He kneels down to eye level.
"You ready, Yogi Boy?" He asks.
You blush, embarrassed to hear Bruce Willis of all people call you 'Yogi Boy'. You tuck your hair behind your ear bashfully (you have long bangs), nodding and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
He picks you up, walking out of the missile silo and into the sunset to get you your yogurt.

The End :)

(Near) Death From Smoochy, a totally 100% serious Drawfee fanficWhere stories live. Discover now