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"Look dad, it's a human. Can we have it?" The little alien boy asked his father in hope to have a human pet at home. The news channels are filled with the recent human discovery on planet earth and the people living there are thrilled to take up Human knowledge as a subject at school.
Some humans have volunteered to come to the planet and serve as a subject of experiment there.
Today a spaceship will reach the planet A15K with 78 human volunteers. People there are very exited to know more about humans.

After a long wait, a human arrived on the news channel. Surprisingly they have the same language as us, this was known to some people, but now the whole planet A15K knows this.
The news is been broadcasted all over their world. People are suprised to see the human's head covered with dark brown colored coils. They were all bald. The anchor had a list of questions coming in and this was the most asked so he asked the human about the thing on his head. The human replied that it was his 'hair' and all humans have it. People also wanted to know the age of the human so the anchor asked and the human replied that he was 29 and has a long way to go. Everybody was shocked to know he was that old. The alien life expectancy was 20 years only. The anchor himself was shocked to hear this and asked the human about humans life expectancy. "It's 70- 85 on average but some of us do exceed upto 120 something." The human replied. People who heard this were shocked. How could someone live for that many years? This was the only question on all the minds.

Experiment No.111Where stories live. Discover now