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It's been months and aliens have discovered a lot about human behavior. They have started doing experiments and are expanding their knowledge.
The whole thing is funny and weird to humans. They don't understand why aliens behave so weirdly. The same is for aliens, they don't get the human behaviour and they sometimes think humans are cute.
They hve started communicating. Aliens are evey excited to know things happening on earth.
They found it very funny that some humans like swimming. No they are not aquatic animals, they can't even hold their breath inside for a longer time. They just go in and swim, some even like to spash water. Aliens couldn't understand the 'concept' as to why they even need to go inside of water, they drink.
And the even funnier thing they found out, that humans celebrate birthdays. One of the aliens found out when a human was shouting and telling everybody that it was his birthday.
So he asked him what it meant and human replied that it was the day he was born. The alien got very confused as he was seeing a grown up female who was definitely too big to have taken birth that day. He knew that infant humans were little, similar to the size of an arm. He thought she lost her mind but the human explained that years ago it was this day she was born.
It was very confusing. Aliens, they never celebrated birthdays. The only thing they knew about celebration was graduation from observatories, but they just celebrated it once in a lifetime. They don't need to celebrate the same thing every year.
They all sat and heard to everything the human told them about birthdays. It was a human tradition. Most of the humans celebrate their birthdays.
The aliens learnt new things everytime they had a talk with any human.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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