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There was a fight between two humans. Both were males. One of them joked over how short the other human's penis was. The aliens were shocked to know how can someone fight over physical attributes. Wasn't it something natural? The other humans resolved the conflict between the two and people people sat on the couch to relax and talk.
"Why do humans speak?" One of them asked.
"What?" the other asked thinking that it was for communication.
"I mean they do use many hand gestures and all of them understand and not only hand gestures but they communicate by facial expressions too, so what the use of wasting energy on speaking?" He asked wondering the reson for the same.
The other asked how.
He replied that since the humans came here he has been observing them a lot. A thumbs up means they agree or also it's fine or good. He also noticed that the index finger was used to point at someone or something and also that it was the dominant finger. The little pinky finger by humans showed that they wanted to go to the washroom. "And my god the middle finger, the humans get so annoyed when another human raises  that finger. They get angry. They sure do not like that." He said that he noticed an end number of things. Raising of the hair above eye means they are asking what and raising shoulders means that they don't know something. "There are still many expressions and gestures that I have not understoood, when I do I will tell you all. Oh! There's one more thing humans smile when someone shows them half bent joined fingers and thumb over index finger. They both mean heart. And a nose scruch means they did not like something. Oh there are many."He told that humans were funny and are very advanced. They show more emotions."My point is why so they speak when they can do everything with their body?"
Everybody just nodded and no one had answers. They all were just observing human behavior and learning. They all were enjoying after taking up Human knowledge as a subject.

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