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Human p.o.v

I was selected to go on the news. My original name is Ron but here they just call me human.
After the news went over I was asked to go to the observatory room with the other humans. I was asked to bring only one luggage with so so I brought some of my clothes and some snacks.
I was provided with a room with no windows. It was all white. Then i realised that the moment I entered this planet everything I have seen is all brown and white. Just different shades of both the colours.
We all were asked to have our naked photo clicked so that they could study the physical appearance. I went to get mine clicked and came back to my room to take a nap.
After a long time when I woke up, I heard the aliens talking so I went out.
I sat on the couch and while reading a magazine I tried to hear them.
One of them said,"I didn't knew humans had stripes."
Another interuppted,"oh yes, the silvery lining on the waist, chest, thighs and arms. Not all humans have it just some of them"
A slighter taller one gasped and said," humans have stripes?"
The one who confidently said that humans have, again laughed at the other and shrugged off by saying that he was an idiot and humans do have silvery stripes.
Another one who thought himself to be smart said that not some but all humans have stripes. It is just invisible on some of them because of genetic reason and also as it is the same color as their skin so sometimes not visible to the eye.
I wanted to correct them but after hearing what the last one said I was so confused and was thinking if I really had stripes or are they just my stretch marks?

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