Y/n's story + info!!

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Word count: 1911

I was one of the Shadowbenders, dangerous evil beings that kill for fun and greed, mostly raiding villages somewhere in the Earth Kingdom.  And to be honest, I already killed at such a young age. Although, of course I didn't know any of that because I was brainwashed. There is this rumor that the Earth Kingdom killed our ancestors from the past, but that wasn't true. Actually it was the opposite, we we're the ones killing families in villages.

One day we were sent on a mission, to kill people in a town somewhere south of Earth Kingdom. At first, It was my brother that think what we were doing is wrong and that these villagers doesn't know anything about the past. But I was so blind and stupid, and told my brother that they deserve it.

We Arrived at the town, the people there saw us and started screaming and running. As I started to bend, I felt someone tugging my shirt. It was my brother, his face telling me not to do it. I stopped and thought about it. I realize that maybe he's right,  maybe that we shouldn't kill people who has nothing to do from the past. I smiled to him and he smiled back. He told me to help the villagers find a place thats safe. It was hard making them trust me but I understand.

As I was helping the other villagers, I looked around me, houses on fire and bodies laying on the ground. I watched every person in a far distance get killed in the most brutal way. I felt a small pain in my chess and I felt like crying. I hated myself that i didn't realize sooner.

Then I heard a baby crying and saw her dead mother beside him. I noticed one of my people was about to kill the baby, so I rushed to him and gave him to one of the villagers.

"What are you doing Y/n!? Why are you helping them?? Did you just forgot what they did to our ancestors!?"

He said while forming a shadow that is ready to fire at me. I didn't say anything and took a deep breath, I rushed behind him quickly enough for him not to notice me. I struck my hand to his neck, making him fall unconscious, a strike that hard could leave him unconscious for about 3 days. As I did that I heard my brother yelling, that sounded like he needs help. I looked in the direction where I heard his voice but he was nowhere to be found just his bracelet that mom gave to him, the guy who took Bo must've pulled his bracelet until it broke. I wandered around the town but still no sign of him.

An earthbender suddenly throwed rocks at me. I managed to avoid it,but kept casting large pillars made of rocks from the ground.

"I don't wanna fight!" I yelled.

"I do." He responded.

I don't have time to this..I have to find Bo. I thought. But he just wouldn't stop to fight me. I gave him enough of a push using my shadow that he flew away. After a while, we needed to retreat since Earthbenders are starting to fight back.

As we got back, I immediately ran to Xian-- our leader, he's also the one who taught us how to shadowbend and the one who took care of Bo and I.

"Xian! Have you seen Bo?" I asked him, worriedly."No I'm afraid not. Are you sure he isn't at home?" I shook my head, and said "No,he wasn't there.."in a toneless, quiet voice."It must be those monsters, that took Bo." Xian said.

"No, it couldn't be. Cause-" I stopped, thinking that I shouldn't tell him."Cause?.." he asked. "Cause...uhh he possibly couldn't have let them take him cause uh, he hates those monsters." I lied but it somehow worked. He put is hand on is chin, pondering."That's true. Well, I'll sent my men to find him. Don't worry Y/n. I'm sure he's safe."

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