The Chase (Part 2)

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Toph had enough and decided to leave us. I tried to follow her but she'd stopped me. I have no choice but to give her some space. She'll come back..

I hope.
(3rd person)

"WHAT DID I JUST DO? I can't believe I yelled at my Earthbending teacher. Now she's gone." Aang said, lowering his head. Katara then said."I know. We're all just trying to get used to each other. And I was so mean to her." Sokka then joined the conversation."Yeah, you two were pretty much jerks." Katara looked at Aang and said."We need to find Toph and apologize." Aang then said."Yeah..and I need to apologize to Y/n as well. I said something back there, that doesn't have to do with Y/n and I think I hurt her." Katara smiled and said."Okay, but where is she?" Katara looked around and saw Y/n near the river. Katara then told Aang where she was.

(Y/n POV)
Aang sat beside me and said."Hey, Y/n." I didn't respond, but instead I kept splashing my feet in the water. Aang rubbed the back of his neck and said."Look, what I said earlier, about Appa didn't have any problem when it was just the three of us. I didn't mean it, really. We're actually glad that you're here with us right now...I just got mad, and I wasn't thinking and I--" I cut him off and I said, smiling. "Woah! Relax. It's okay." ,"I know I-- wait what?" He raised a brow and said."Really?" I shrugged and said."Well, yeah...But I think the one you should be apologizing to is Toph." He slouched, lowering his head and said."Yeah..I know. Toph was right. Appa's fur was leaving a trail. That's why those girls kept finding us." I placed my hand in his shoulder."It's going to be okay. We'll find Toph, and we'll surely think of a plan to stop those girls from following us." Aang smiled and said."Well...I DO have a plan."

We took Appa to the river and gave him a bath. Aang, Katara and I bended the water to wash Appa's fur. While Momo and Sokka, scrubs the bison's fur. After a few minutes, Appa's now clean and no more trails. Katara asked Aang."Are you sure he's ok to fly?" Aang then said."He'll be fine as long as we leave all our stuff here." Aang decided to use Appa's fur to make a fake trail and lead the tank off course. We took off, hoping that Aang's plan will work, and to find Toph. I looked down and said."Toph couldn't have made it too far." I noticed Sokka's smirk and said."What?" Sokka whispered to Katara."Someone's worriedddd." Katara giggled as I look at both of them and said."I heard that!" Sokka whistled, pretending he didn't whispered anything to Katara, and I said. "And.. of course I'm worried. She's my friend too." Sokka pretended to cough and said."ahem, ahem, 'friend' ahem."

Momo suddenly growled, Sokka asked why. But as soon as he saw what was down there, he called us and that the girls from Omashu found us. Katara then said."How did they find us?!" We couldn't fly faster because Appa was tired. Sokka panicked and said."Not good, not good!!" Sokka said that we just need to make it across the river, maybe that way they'll stop following us. I then said while patting Appa."Cmon buddy! You can do it. Just a little further!" We crashed but we made it across the river. We stood and Sokka said."We made it! We're safe." I hugged Appa and said."I knew you could do it, buddy!"

But it seems like we were wrong, the girls got across the river. Katara bended water, making a wave and sending it towards the other girl, but she jumped and avoided it. The Chi blocking girl went towards Katara and I, trying to jab us but I won't let that happen. I bended the tree's shadows and send it towards the girl's foot, pulling her. But the girl with the knife suddenly threw knives at me. I got distracted and the Chi girl got loose. The Chi girl jabbed one of my arms, making me struggle to bend. Katara tried bending the water to save me but the other girl threw knives at her sleeves, making her unable to move. Sokka and I went towards Katara. Sokka said to Katara while laying on the ground."How you doing." Katara responded."Well, you know." I glanced over to the river, and used my other arm to create a big wave behind the two girls, they didn't notice until they saw the waves shadow. They turned around. "What the heck?!" Said the chi blocking girl. I send the wave to them, pushing them off to the river. Sokka gave me a thumbs up and said."Great job, Y/n! I don't know what we'll do without you." I smiled, as Appa came right in time. I helped Katara and Sokka hop on Appa and flew off.

As we were flying, there was still no signs of Toph. I was really getting worried. Katara noticed I was down and said."Don't worry, Y/n. We'll find her. And if something happens to her, I know that she can handle it." I responded."I know that. But still..." Sokka suddenly yelled, pointing at something."Guys look! I think it's Aang!" We went down seeing the village, burning with blue fire. We heard something collapse, so we went over there, seeing Azula and Aang fighting. As Azula was about to shoot Aang with lightning Katara used a water whip to break down the wood Aang was trying to get rid off. Azula then chased Katara, As Sokka sudden went out from the corner, hitting her with his machete. Azula walked backwards but she stopped knowing I was there. We all surrounded her, as she shot lightning at Aang, but he managed to avoid it. Katara and I blasted water towards Azula as Sokka hits her with his boomerang.

Then suddenly, Azula tripped on something, making her fall, and behind her was Toph. I widened my eyes and said."Toph!" Toph responded with."Hey,
Y/n. Missed me?" Toph then added."I thought you guys could use a little help." Katara smiled and said."Thanks." Azula then got up, blasting a few lightnings and took off. She looked at us smirking without knowing that an old man was in front of her, making her bump into him. We all surrounded her, and went to our battle stances. "Well, look at this. Enemies and traitors all working together." Azula raised both her arms and said."I'm done. I know when I'm beaten. You got me. A princess surrenders with honor."

Azula, who still had a smirk in her face, suddenly shot lightning at the old man's chest. We all looked at the unconscious old man, as the guy with a scar on his face yells. We all attacked Azula, but she made a dome made of lightning, making it explode. After the thick dark smoke lessened, Azula was no where to be seen. The scarred man kneeled down beside the old man. His dad? Perhaps. We all came towards him, but told us to leave them alone. Katara walked closer to the scarred man, placing her hand on her chest."Zuko I can help." Zuko, the guy with a scar on his face, suddenly firebended at us and told us to leave. We had no choice but to leave, and fly off, hoping that this time, we can get some sleep. After a while, we found a place to sleep.

As I closed my eyes and went to sleep. Until I felt something hugging my arm. I opened my eyes, and looked at the raven haired girl, sleeping peacefully while hugging my arm. I chuckled and went back to sleep.
(Toph's POV)

'Ugh, it's so cold.' I thought. I faced sidewards, hugging myself, thinking it will keep me warm, but it didn't. I tried facing the other side, accidentally placing my arm to somebody's arm. It was Y/n's. She was warm, making me move close to her, and hugged her arm. 'but what if she wakes up and asks why I'm hugging her? Will she think that I'm weird?' I thought. But still, I didn't let go of her arm. It just felt so nice and warm. Then suddenly I fell asleep
(The next day)

Sokka was the first one to wake up. He stood and saw Y/n and Toph next to each other asleep. Y/n was resting at Toph's head, while Toph was hugging Y/n's arm. Sokka quickly woke Aang, and Katara. "Guys! Guys! Wake up. Come look at this." As Aang and Katara woke up, Sokka points at the two. They smirked as they watch the two wake up. Y/n and Toph looks at each other, and blushed. Toph shoved Y/n, making her groan in pain."Ow." Toph then yelled, blushing."What?! Hey! Wipe that smirks off your faces!" Y/n was so embarrassed, she turned her face away, not even bothering to look at them. Toph then yelled, trying to change the subject. "Cmon Twinkle Toes! Get moving and start trainin' if you don't want to get your butt kicked."

"Yes ma'am!"

To be continued... :)

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