Part 9

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TW! Suicide attempt, mention of SH, psych ward, mention of ED

Dream's POV:

"WHAT?" Tom said over the phone. "Is he alive?"

"I don't know," I whispered.

"Toby! George overdosed we're going to the hospital!"

"He what?!" Toby's voice came faintly through the phone.

"I'll send you which hospital we're going to."

I hung up, shaking. I don't know what I'm gonna do if he dies.

Once we got to the hospital, they told us to wait in the waiting room as they took him elsewhere. We sat anxiously for about 5 minutes when Toby and Tom came in.

"Is he okay?" Tom asked, running over.

"Where is he? Is he alive?" Toby questioned frantically.

"I don't know," I mumbled. "They took him somewhere and said they'd do their best."

"Oh fuck," Tom said under his breath.

No one told us anything for about 2 hours. Finally, someone came out.

"Are you all with George Davidson?"

"Yes," I shot up from my chair. "Is he okay?"

"We're doing our best, but so far it's not looking good."

"No," I muttered. "No he can't die."

I could barely breathe.

"We're doing our best, but the previous damage of his eating disorder isn't helping either."

"Can we see him?" Toby asked softly.

"Yes, his vitals are somewhat stable."

We all went into the room. I saw George and froze. He was hooked up to all these machines. An IV, that breathing thing, and a bunch of other machines I don't know. He could barely even breathe on his own. I went and knelt down next to the bed and held his hand. All the memories of last time we were here came back. Why did he do this to himself? He was getting better, he was doing so good.

"George please don't leave me," I sobbed. "George please, please don't go."

Everyone else was crying as well as we all stared at his lifeless body. This was it, wasn't it? He's gonna die. He's gonna die and he's never gonna know how much I loved him. How I was in love with him. I'm gonna have to learn how to live without him.

The beeping on the monitor slowed. I looked at the lines that show the vitals. I'm not a doctor and I have no idea what they mean, but I knew that wasn't good. The lines were almost completely flat.

"Someone get a doctor!"

Tom ran out and found a doctor. 3 other doctors followed and they started working on him. I didn't know what they were doing. They just kept saying "clear" and pressing those things on his chest.

"George please wake up!" Toby cried. Tom tried to comfort him, sobbing himself.

"Come on kid, wake up," the doctor mumbled, sounding stressed.

"George please! Please wake up!" I cried.

Sapnap sat there watching the whole thing, he looked numb. Then it flatlined.

"He's gone, doc," one of the nurses said.

"George please!" I cried. "Please come back, please don't go!" I sobbed.

"He's not, clear him again," the doctor said.

"But it won't-"

"I said do it!"

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