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The blonde looked at the food infront of her with suspicion then turned to look at the ravennete who sat infront of her.

"What? Lost your appetite"
He raised a brow.

"What if you added poison in it?"
She looked at him sharply making him sigh.

"I told you I don't kill anyone..."
"Anyway, let me just insure you that it's not poisonous"
He took his chopsticks and took a bite from the food.

He said.

The blonde with hesitation held the chopsticks and took a bite of the food.

Her eyes widened at it.

"How is it? I haven't really learnt it can be a little-"
His speech stopped after looking at the blonde who was eating all the food in flash' speed.

"I-it's edible..."
The blonde mumbled putting the chopsticks on the table after completing her dinner.

The ravenette just looked at her with a smile on his all this time.

The blonde raised a brow.
She asked.

The ravenette took a handkerchief kept beside him and stretched forwards to wipe the crumbs of food on her face.

"A detective like you is really messy"
He looked at her.

A pink hue appeared on her face though it turned back to normal.

She grumbled getting up from the table and washing her hands.

"You looked cute though"
Embarrassment appeared on the blonde's face as she stomped towards her room and closed the door shut.

The ravenette chuckled looking at her moments before his face turned back to nuetral.

A grim look....

The atmosphere around him turned dark.

He took the chopsticks and started feeding on the dish infront of him.


"I have to investigate"
The blonde sharply looked at the door infront of her.

The ravenette was currently taking a bath, a perfect chance to investigate his stuff and room!

She opened the door and quietly walked around his room.

Opening lockers and other things to find atleast something good.

But to her desmise m, there was nothing.

She sighed and sat on his bed tiredly.
Her eyes went around the room just to land on the desk beside her.
There was a picture turned to the side of the wall.

She took the photo and looked in it to find the ravennete smilling brightly while being surrounded by a group of kids who seemed to be happy with him...

She looked at the picture of the smilling ravennete...

Her heart melted looking at him but...her brain refused to give in...

She was a person who fights for justice....

She can't be weak...

The blonde placed the photo back on the table, facing the wall and walked out silently...

She got inside her room, remembering to lock the door before plopping on her bed.

'Why do i feel this way...'

'It had just been one day with him....'

'I should be aware...'

Her eyes closed as she drifted of to deep sleep.

The ravenette walked out of the bath with a towel wrapped around his waist and dripping wet hair.

"Guess someone came inside..."
He looked at his bed which was a little warm and at the photo which was a little moved.


The birds chirped as the sun rays fell on the blonde's face telling her that it's time to wake up.

Her eyes opened revealing her jewelled eyes which had the sun rays reflecting in them.

Getting up, she stretched her hands getting out of the bed,inside the bathroom to change and get fresh.

After a while, the blonde came out of the bathroom drying her hair with a towel.

A knock was heard by the blonde making her turn towards the door.

"Want breakfast?"
The casuality of the voice made the blonde guess the person who would be on the door.

She opened the door to find the ravennete in his usual pink apron.

She hesitantly walked out of the room and sat on the table while the ravenette served her food.

Though, the blonde wasn't eating and just stared at the food in daze..

The ravenette noticed it and asked her "what happened?"

"Are you sick or something"

The blonde shook her head making the ravenette raise a brow.

"Then why?"
His questions got stopped when the blonde looked at him with a straight gaze.

"Why are you doing it...?"
"You...know I can kill you...then why are you this caring...?"
She asked.

The ravenette at first just looked at her in daze before his expression turned back to normal.

"I know....but you haven't done it... thankfully till now..."
He mumbled.

"I don't really care for my life... It's gonna end anyway..."
He looked towards the food in daze though his mind was having several thoughts.

" make it even harder for me to....end you..."
She mumbled looking at his grim face.

" that so? Then should I make it easier for you to end me-"
His words got stopped when a hit got on his head by the blonde.

He looked at the blonde with wide eyes as his hand held his forehead.

"What was that for..?"
He asked totally confused at what he did wrong.

The blonde hit his chest.

"I hate you!"
She shouted making his even more confused on why was she doing it.

'Did I said something wrong...?'
He wondered.

The blonde fell on the ground with year drops slowly forming around her eyes.

"H-hey why are you crying?"
He asked trying to hold her hand but she pushed him away before bursting in tears.

"You make me sad!"
"Why do you wanna die..?"
"You're gentle and have not really hurt anyone..."

"But still!"
"I have to catch you"

"How can you be so selfish!?"

She shouted crying making the ravenette look at her with shock.

"You...why do you think...I'm selfish...?"
He asked, his voice sounded to be cracked though he still controlled himself and asked.

"Have you ever thought about the people who care about you...?"

"You are self centered to think that if you left no one would be affected!!"
She cried.

"You also must have friends...or family...who care about you..."

"You are selfish..."

He crouched down to her Level and slowly wrapped his arms around the crying blonde...

It was the first time someone said to him to survive....


How was it?

*Randomly types some shit.

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