A perfect picture

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The day that Shamrock came to Duckburg was a Tuesday. Wednesday morning Gladstone went immediately to the school and luckily they accepted him, he can start the next Monday. Shamrock needed to prepare himself, he didn't like school so much but he was surprisingly good in it. Maybe luck? He didn't know it yet. He wondered often about luck and if he was actually as lucky as his uncle. Shamrock was very pessimistic about everything but now he wanted to change.
Shamrock had a lot of energy and sometimes he just can't keep it. Dugan noticed it immediately, that Saturday night walking around, impatient to discover which surprise had Gladstone for all of them. Dugan looked at that child playing in Gladstone's garden, he was literally a kid version of Gladstone. Dugan ran to him, greeting him with enthusiasm through the gate of the garden. Shamrock looked at that funny kid who was wearing an ugly red sweater and a terrible red hat, too big for his head. He was the same age of him, more or less.

- Who are you?- Asked Shamrock getting closer to him.

- I'm Dugan! Fethry's nephew. But actually who are YOU?- Dugan was surprised at the rude tone of the kid. Maybe he didn't want his friendship.

- Shamrock. Who is Fethry?- Dugan understood that he was literally talking with the "surprise" that Gladstone mentioned. Was Shamrock Gladstone's child? Dugan started thinking.

- Dugan!! You run so fast wait for me, please!- A voice interrupted them. Fethry, covered of sweat, leaded on a tree next to them, panting. Shamrock recognized the weird guy that greeted his uncle a few days ago and he found him really funny.

- Here's Fethry. My uncle.- Said Dugan, seeing Shamrock laughing.

- I think you both can come inside...- Shamrock was getting to open the gate when he hears someone yelling very loudly. A pretty old man, with an angry face, was walking at his direction, continuing complaining and grunting.

- 3$ for a parking place! That's no way! My poor money. Hope the stupid surprise of my stupid lazy nephew will worth them all!!!- Fethry ran to him, asking him if he could help him holding his stick. Scrooge pushed him away, then his eyes got directly to Shamrock. His face changed espression immediately.

- I can't believe my eyes! For all my dollars, you are real then!- Shamrock looked at Scrooge, shocked. He thought that the old man had a few screws loose.

- Yes, he is, uncle Scrooge, don't scare him before even met him.- Gladstone went outside, he have heard the yellings of Scrooge too.

- What an amazing surprise! A new nephew! And so cute.- Continued Scrooge getting closer to Shamrock for present himself. Shamrock liked that man, a bit rude on the shallow but he seemed to have a big heart. Shamrock felt comfortable to explain him why he was there and he was happy to stay at Gladstone's house. Scrooge and Gladstone were getting home, while Fethry preferred to stay outside for play with the kids.

- ATTACK!!!!- A female voice coming from nowhere, made Shamrock turn fast while a little girl jumped on Dugan, trapping him in a fishnet. Shamrock was amused seeing Dugan so scared and the crazy little girl closing the fishnet tighter.

- Webby you did it! Come on, uncle Donald we are almost arrived!- Another young voice, coming from the end of street. Shamrock saw a triplets of twins, a bit older than him. He can distinguish them only from the color of the clothes.

- I did it! And I have a new friend too!- Yelled Webby. Shamrock presented himself to her, founding her so cool and funny. The poor Dugan was still trapped in the fishnet. Fethry tried to get him out but he just made everything worse and he got almost trapped into it too.

- Ok, is your friend that mini version of uncle Gladstone?- Asked sarcastic the twin who was red dressed.

- Possible so, and are you just the same version of your brothers?- Shamrock stared at him, in a challenging way. Webby laughed loudly. It couldn't get any funnier for her.

- I'm Huey.- Continued him - And my brothers Louie and Dewey. Try to don't exchange our names, huh?- Shamrock knew that the three boys didn't like him much. He didn't too. The last guests of the night came, pushing a very small and old car. Shamrock looked at the guy dressed as a sailor man, he was looking exhausted. Next to him, a nice lady, pink dressed, stressed out and tired.

- A glass of water, please....- painted her. Shamrock went fast to the kitchen to get it, then he came out followed by Scrooge and Gladstone. Shamrock presented himself to Daisy and Donald, who told him that he was very polite and nice.

- Not like my nephews. They never help me!- Added Donald, looking angry at the triplets. Shamrock smiled to them. Louie accepted his silent challenge. That kid must not become a problem for them.

- The motor is gone! My poor little car, how much money do I have to spend for you?- Said Donald desperately. It was already 7pm when they all got inside for the dinner. The atmosphere was good, Shamrock just preferred to sit so far as possible from the triplets. He liked Dugan and Webby a lot. At 9pm, Scrooge was telling once again one of his best adventures. Shamrock was the only one interested, cause the others had all listened to it for at least three times. An hour later, Donald and Daisy left, they were too tired and the triplets followed them, Dewey reminded Shamrock to don't challenge them too much. Shamrock wasn't scare from them. It was actually funny seeing them getting nervous. Webby left together with Donald and Daisy. Fethry was sleeping on the couch and Dugan was reading a book of scary stories. Scrooge sat Shamrock on his lap to tell him more stories. Scrooge liked that kid a lot, smart and friendly. At 11pm, Gladstone smiled seeing Shamrock and Scrooge sleeping together on the chair. Fethry took a picture of them.

- I hope he won't mind. Let's go Dugan.- Said him to his nephew. Dugan greeted Shamrock nicely, they will see eachother monday at school. 

-No he won't.- Said Gladstone while putting a blanket on the sleepy Scrooge and bringing Shamrock to his room.

- Everything went as I hoped. Goodnight Fethry. - Said Gladstone turning off the lights and closing the door.

- Uncle Scrooge is fantastic. I told him he's an hero!- Said Shamrock a bit loud. Scrooge mumbled something while sleeping, turning in the blanket.

- Sshh. Yes, he is. Let's go to bed.- Said Gladstone. He couldn't make a step that Shamrock hugged him tight. He said: - Thank you, uncle Gladstone.-

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