Rivalry and suspicions

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Dugan woke up with a surprise that Monday morning. Snow everywhere! He loved so much jumping into it and play war with snowballs. He ran out, greeting fast his uncle, who was busy to carry thousands of advertising leaflets on his old sleigh. Dugan loved so much Christmas, he was literally jumping while going to the appointment with Shamrock at the corner of the street. Dugan offered himself to go with him, it was the first day for Shamrock and they will be in the same class. When he saw Shamrock, at the appointment place, talking with Webby, Dugan started to walk slowly. That girl loved to joke very hard with him and Dugan was a bit tired about it.
A big snowball hitted him right in the face. Surprisingly, it was Shamrock, not Webby.
- Dugan! Come here. Or I will be late!- Said Shamrock.
- Don't worry. You will never be. Your luck may stopped the time from run, if needed.- Answered Dugan.
The three kids walked together, talking and throwing snowballs from time to time.

They didn't notice the blond lady who was following them. Goldie wanted everything perfect for her plan.

The same afternoon, after school, around 4pm, Shamrock left Dugan at the same spot where they met in the morning. Then he walked fast to the Money Bin, together with Webby. Shamrock was amazed, as he saw that huge building. And it was full of money, almost from the bottom till the top! Shamrock arrived tired at the entrance, walking on the hill with all that snow wasn't easy. But he surprisingly found 20$ covered with snow. A tall, serious and elegant man greeted him:

- Good afternoon, Shamrock. I'm Albert. Mr Scrooge is waiting for you, you can follow me.- Albert brought Shamrock and Webby to Scrooge's office.

- Uncle Donald!- Shamrock greeted Donald, who first didn't see him because he was too busy, sitted and polishing a big pile of coins, one by one. Donald seemed very tired.

- No! I'm not gonna buy your crazy stuff for that money!- Shamrock heard the voice of Scrooge, grunting at the phone.

- He's always angry.- whispered Webby to Shamrock, laughing.

- Did you even heard me?? My word is NO!!!!- Scrooge putted down the phone. Albert cleared his throat, for let Scrooge understand that Shamrock was there.

- Hi, uncle Scrooge!- Said Shamrock, looking around in that big office, with bags full of money everywhere. Webby told immediately to Scrooge to show Shamrock all the treasures of their adventures.

- Adventures?- Shamrock looked at them.

- Yes!- Said Donald, standing up and putting down the towel- And I always take part of them. My nephews too!-

-Really? I want to come too! If is not too tireding...- Said Shamrock.

Scrooge brought the kids to the secret room where he was keeping all his treasures. Shamrock have never seen a place like that. Webby started to talk, giving him too many informations about places, fights, boats, weapons and cultures.

- Let's make a deal, Shamrock.- Said Scrooge - everytime you come here, I will tell you one of my best journeys.-

- That's great!- Shamrock agreed - Can you start now, please?- Scrooge laughed.

- Of course! Come Webby, you can help me because my memory is not anymore like before. Albert, can you bring us something to drink?- Albert nodded and silently went to prepare tea with biscuits. Scrooge took a chair and started to tell Shamrock about his first, well earned 10 cent coin. Called the Old Number One.

Donald came later too. He suddenly hoped about a new adventure soon.

Scrooge and Webby talked too much, they stayed until 7pm. It was time for Shamrock to go home and Donald offered himself to bring Shamrock with him, his car was not fixed yet but it was dark and cold outside, better don't leave Shamrock walking alone.
- Don't forget to pay me tomorrow, uncle! - Said Donald before leaving.

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