The brave Dugan

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Dugan walked away from school fast, going home. That stupid backpack was heavy, the snow reached almost 50 cm height and it was terribly cold when a strong wind started. At least the sun was shining now.

In the garden Fethry did a lot that day: a little and obviously thirsty Christmas tree with too many coloured balls, lights everywhere and many Santa Claus, angels and deer's figure.

- Ehi Dugan!- Fethry greeted him when he heard his nephew coming back. - For tonight I prepared a new will be delicious! At least this time the kitchen didn't explode.-

Fethry came closer to his nephew, showing him a bowl with the rest of a pizza dough...because everything else was on his apron and for sure on many surfaces of the kitchen.

- I'm not hungry now..thank you!-
Dugan ran fast the stairs before closing the door of his bedroom behind him.
- I made it just for you...last time you liked it a lot, and it wasn't made as I did now. - Said Fethry sadly - Later you will be hungry, I'll keep it for you!-

Dugan didn't answer. His small room was tided up, Fethry liked to clean it before Christmas. He grabbed the weekly schedule of the school for don't make the same mistake the next day. Shamrock was smart as well as lucky. Dugan putted in his backpack the right books for the next day, giving even them a fast read, just to be sure to don't be unprepared. He remembered even his appointment with Shamrock for go to school together, tomorrow he won't forget it. No, everything had to go perfectly tomorrow.

Dugan looked at himself at the mirror and he saw the reflection of Magica, instead of himself. Magica smiled, inside Dugan's body. 

"I'm coming, dear Scrooge." Thought Magica. " Tomorrow it will finally be THE day."

               (SHORT FLASHBACK)

One day earlier, after school, Webby and Shamrock went together to the Money Bin, leaving Dugan alone. Goldie noticed it and she told it straight away to Magica, suggesting her to took advantage of it. And that's what she did. She simply took possession of Dugan's body with an easy spell. The first important step of their plan was done.

               (END FLASHBACK)

In the meantime, on the way to the shopping centre, Shamrock exposed to Gladstone his doubts about his luck. And also about Dugan.

- About Dugan, I don't know who is the most weird of them...if him or Fethry. - Said Gladstone.

- It was worrying but I don't know him very well.- Shamrock said.

- And about yours, I already told you that you must believe in it.- Continued Gladstone - like at a poker match, play with the cards that you have. And your strongest one, is the luck.-

Shamrock promised himself to try to do so. The rest of the day passed quietly. He smiled when he found 100$ at the parking place and they bought many Christmas decorations with it.

They putted the decorations in the garden and around the house the same evening. Shamrock thought that he still needed to buy all the presents. He can think about it the 24th, right before Christmas day. Before going to bed, he received a message from Dugan:

" Sorry for today Shamrock. See you tomorrow,  I won't miss our appointment again. Goodnight."

Shamrock was happy to read so. He realised that he didn't have anything to worry about and he fell asleep with the phone still in his hands.

The day next, Dugan was in advance. He waited around 10 minutes before Shamrock arrived. Dugan/aka Magica smiled to him, saying sorry once again about yesterday. He wasn't feeling so well indeed, said him.

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