Poor Boy [1]

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The Wejin family was a noble family that was often seen as blessed by the gods. The people from that family were always know for their pure white hair and their kind personalities.

Only few knew the secrets of the Wejin family and most of those who knew were of high status and we close to the Wejin family.

LinShi Pov:

I was looking at this fish in the pond when I heard a familiar voice call me.

"My lady it's time for dinner" the servant bowed.

"No need to bow LiLi" that's the nickname I gave her.

"We are friends after all right?"

LiLi giggled at that comment." Yes we are my lady"

I ran inside and sat down. My father invited some special friends over. " hello Mrs and Mr ChangShen."

"Oh my well isnt it my favourite younge lady from the Weijin family" Mrs ChangShen smiled.

Soon my mother and big brother joined as at the table and we began to eat.

"Father I was wondering if I could take Linshi out. She has been begging me for quite sometime"


My father laughed. "Of course you can and my dear daughter if you ever want to leave just take two of the guards and go."

I smiled and nodded.

"That's good I didnt feel like going with that demon anyway"

"HEY!!!" They all started laughing as I stood up and turned around.

"Hmph I'm leaving now then"

"Ok sweetie be careful" my mother said in her gentle voice.

I decided to put on a white dress to match with my hair and then decided to ask two guards to come with me on a walk.

We walked around for a bit until I saw a food stall. I immediately ran towards it.

"Welcome my lady what brings you here" the man smiled.

"I was wondering how much three of these would cost"

"Oh not that much my lady since it's for Weijin I might as well give it for free for your father honourable acts."

I smiled and bowed down. "Thanks you"

The man behind the stall smiled and began preparing the snacks.

"Stupid Boy!!" I heard some men shouting from my left as I turned. I saw a boy getting beat up.

I ran infront of the boy and put my arms out to shield him. Then man stopped few inches away from my face then soon bowed down.

"My apologise my lady!!"

I frowned. "Its not good to be beating up a small boy!! Your a grown man get a hold of your self!!"

The man got on his knees and everyone stared at him. "My apologise my lady please forgive my rude actions"

I sighed in defeat. "I forgive you. Now please leave" the man stood up and walked away with the others.

I turned and looked at the boy.

Ying Zheng Pov:

The younge girl looked at me as I blushed. She was truly beautiful and her hair was bright as the moon itself.

She bent down and took my hand.

"Are you ok?" Was she truly asking me if I was ok. No one ever cared if I was ok and her voice was so soft and sweet.

"Hello? Oh no did they hit you to hard that you forgot how to speak.. guards bring me the food." One of her guards gave her a bun and she put it in my hand.

"Please take this."

"N-no I can't-" My face couldnt turn redder.

"Please you look like your starving."

I looked at the bun and smiled. "Thank you miss-.."

"Linshi Weijin" her smile was bright and warm.

"What's your name?"

"Ying Zheng"

"Its very nice to meet you Ying Zheng"

Linshi Pov:

"My lady we should be heading home. It's nearly sunset" one of my guards spoke.

I stood up immediately. "It was nice meeting you but I must now go. Hopefully we cant meet again?" I heard a quite hum come from him as I turned around and walked back home.

As I entered I saw my brother working out and fighting a dummy.
I saw my mother was watching and I decided to sit with her.

"My my well isnt it my little angel"

I smiled and sat next to her. Unlike me or my brother her hair was black since she wasnt an heir of the bloodline. Even if it wasnt white it was so pretty.

"Shouldn't you be heading to bed younge lady"

My head turned to my brother. " I want to watch brother for a while!!"

I heard my mother sigh. "You may watch him for a bit but then you must sleep ok?"

"Yes mother".

《My lady》 Qin Shi Huang x OcWhere stories live. Discover now