Banquet [6]

852 40 5

----25 years later----

I was writing some documents when I heared a nock on the door.

"My lady there is a letter for you from the emperor."

"Bring it in" the servant gives me the letter and I open it. Its and invitation to the palace.

I sigh. A banquet of nobles how interesting and I can bring someone with me.

I guess I should take a guards. I put the letter down. "You may go now".

I look down at the letter. Qin Shi Huang huh? Last time I check Yinyin was on the throne.

I havent really been into politics these couple of years. Instead I have been focusing on trade with other countries.

I stand up and walk to the training are of my guards. "Xinyun come here."

"Yes my lady?" He runs over to me.

"You are going to join the for a banquet for the Nobel we will be leaving in two days so prepare yourself"

"Wait you chose me lady lin?! I would be honoured to join me. I'll go get ready" Xin was like a younger brother to me. He always seemed to put a smile on my face.

I ordered some servants to pack up my stuff while I did some more work.

----time skip----

I was decided to put on a white dress with silver lace and put my hair down with some accessories. I looked at the eating that was on my desk and decided to put it on.

I walked out and to the front of my domain. I saw Xin waiting there for me with an excited smile. He was beaming like the sun its self.

We got into the carriage and set of to the capital.

After a couple of hours we arrived at the palace. Xin got out first and then helped me get out. We were met with a servernt.

"Please come this way Lady Weijin " we followed the servant to a spare room and we decide to leave our belongings in that room for now.

Since it was about time for the banquet I helped Xin fix up his attire and then we headed to the main room.

The emperor was still missing his throne empty. "LIN!!!!!" I look over to see a younge girl run over to me.

"Well isnt it the younge heir to the shenyung family."

"Lin have you tried the food yet its absolutely delicious!!" I smiled.

"I sadly havent and Xin hasn't either why dont you go show him the snacks"

"Oki!!" She grabbed Xins hand and dragged him to the snacks. He gave me a worried look and all i could do is wave.

"Its the emperor."

"He is finally here"

I turned to see where the commotion was comming from and I saw a man walk up to me.

"Its a pleasure to meet you Lady Linshi Wejin. I am Qin Shi Huang"

As soon as I heared the name I fell on my knees and bowed down. " My apologies my emperor I did not know it was you. Please forgive me"

"Its perfectly fine I didnt get too offended" I could here the smirk in his tone.

"You may stand up now" I slowly stand up and look at him. He reminded me of YinYin.

He then slowly walked away and sat on the throne

----time skip----

It was near the end of the ball and I was about to leave when I heared the emperor call my name.

I walked over to him and bowed down. Everyone had left so it was only us two.

I heared him laugh. "My I must be the mightiest if I make you bow down." I kept my head down.

"What do you think of me Lady Weijin"

"I think your an amazing emperor that brung the whole of China together. The country is truly peaceful now than it ever has before"

"Your words flatter me." He stood up and walked closer to me. He lifted my chin and I blushed. He was quite hot.

"Has it been that long that you forgot me Lin?" He takes of the cloth from around his eyes and smiles.

"Y-yinyin?" No that can't be it when did my sweet little yin turn into this-.. cough cough.

"Correct!!" He picked me up and walked over the the throne sitting down and putting me on his lap.

"Only the most beautiful woman deserves to sit here" my face turned red.

"Please call me qin my lady" he studied my face.

"Q-qin i-i.."

He laughed. "Suprised that it's me? I hosted this banquet just so I could see you"

"W-why you could have just sent a letter."

"That wouldn't do. I needed everyone to see us interact but that didnt go to plan"

When did he turn so hot and strong and he is just- "now my empress what do you desire? If it is still a garden I promise to make it 10 times bigger then your childhood one"

"W-wait empress??" My face turned redder and I looked away.

"Do you really think I would let anyone else sit in my lap. No. Only the future empress herself can sit."

He grabbed my face and turned it to face him. "You are my empress no? Isnt that what you wanted since we first met. To marry me?"

"I-I.." I hid into his neck


He grabbed my waist and whispered into my ear. "Then let me love you"

《My lady》 Qin Shi Huang x OcWhere stories live. Discover now