❣︎ Halt x Male!Reader ❣︎

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No way mio's writing a book. Yea.
Requested by the biggest bitch ever (mellqvie )

So uhm I was looking on Pinterest and Halt looks like guiding light now! Yay !1!

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So uhm I was looking on Pinterest and Halt looks like guiding light now! Yay !1!

So uhm I was looking on Pinterest and Halt looks like guiding light now! Yay !1!

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It's either that or your own imagination Melanie sent me so many. Ok let's start.

Y/N main character bitch ass pov lol

I was walking through the hotel withy hands in my pockets. Door 58.. 59.. 60.. It has been a whole fucking month and I'm still in this hotel. It seems to be my life now. I guess I have to accept my fate huh.

I opened door 64 and the light's flickered about 5-6 times. "Well that's not the fast ones.. Whose this?" I thought. I was hesitant before I opened the door but then I was teleported into this hallway..

It was dark blue in my vision. I started running, I didn't even know if I was supposed to. I was running until I heard the words "Turn Around" in a distorted voice, then I was pushed to the ground.

"What the fuck?" I said rubbing my head. I looked up to see a white man standing in front of you. They stared back at you with it's bright blue eyes.

Change pov lol

"Are you going to kill me?" You asked breaking the silence. They snapped back into reality and looked at you. They extended their arm out, signalling you to grab it and stand.

"No, I would never. I mean no harm, mortal" they said in a normal voice. It sounded charming.. hm.

"You seem nice, what's your name?" You asked, staring at them. They looked at you and shook your hand.

"My name is Halt, pleasure to meet you." They said. He was really friendly, he meant no harm. And you had to admit, he was pretty hot for a "monster"

You spent some time in his dark blue hallway talking to him. It felt like hours.. "You should go now.. Seek is waiting for you.." They said. You frowned not wanting to leave.

"Think you'll come back somewhere near the end?" You asked. Halt looked at you a chuckled. "Hah, you'll miss me will you?~" he teased.

You turned bright red and gripped their shoulders. "S-shut up! I just want to see you again.."

They raised a brow.

"Maybe I'll miss you... You're just to charming for me.."

"Knew it."

You both seemed to get closer together and had the same thought. "We just met, we can't kiss.." Y'all got closer and closer until you shared a passionate kiss together.

It seemed very hot when it happened. At least until you pulled away for oxygen. You both looked at each other and blushed.

"Sorry Y/N, that was my fault," they said.

"We both did it, stop blaming yourself.."

You shared a smile and you stood up to leave. Just as you were about the open the door, Halt grabbed you and spun you around.

He kissed you again, except it lasted longer and felt.. better then the last.. They let go of you and stood there with their hands behind their back.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you, see you on door 79~" they said before disappearing.

Well now that you met him you didn't really want to escape him anymore. Maybe you could take him with you? Just maybe.

"Whose your friend Player?" An angelic voice said behind you. Guiding light.

"WERE YOU WATCHING THAT WHOLE TIME?" You yelled embarrassed.

They simply nodded.

Oh god.


590 words.
I finna see Halt differently now fr.
Rush x Male reader spice next change my nind

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